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AuthorDefender Shield
To Arctic/admins,

As the average numbers here seems to be growing day by day, and with so many on-going and coming activities, please kindly replenish the arts in the mining facilities.

Eg: I have been waiting for 4 work shift to get a Defender Shield, but it only produce TWO per hour, and as fast as I tried, I, like many other players I guess, just stood no chance to get one. As there are like 2000 players playing daily. Those numbers just don't add up..

See facility log:
10-25-10 22:40: (12) DannyNoonan[6], cosmin_4_you[5], golf5[5], Annabella[5], cincila[4], andrewstar4[1], bistok[1], KiisuKat[4], KISSakbar[3], Rangval[4], Varvar008[3], Llirik666[4] // 205 - 18.8
10-25-10 21:40: (12) abyssor[4], FANAat[6], chakkal2001[6], opiter[1], BloodyAngel[4], Garotogelo[1], arenko[2], _Xaser_[3], duks123456789[2], ruga1111[3], Ryla[5], Austrum[3] // 205 - 16.5

22:40 - produced 18 units
21:40 - produced 16 units

its depend on that, who enroll in factory (his productivity level)

Mmmmm... thanks for the info. :)

I'm not a facility gut and have never rushed or vied with others to buy arts or sell resources in facilities. All I know is when the shift was up, I refreshed and saw between 2-4 each time. And when I tried to buy ONE, it was sold out ! :/

But seriously, average of 17 pieces per hour production is hardly sufficient for a population of about 2000 players daily, don't you think?
alternative option there are about 18 on market right now
Problem is also that since the lg efficiency got reduced, the productivity also got reduced. Roughly estimated that means we only produce half as much arts (and resources) as before. But the demand stays the same, or even increases :s.
22:40 - produced 18 units
21:40 - produced 16 units

Only 1/3 of that actually.
It's more that there are market speculators deliberately buying them up to force people to the market.
there are market speculators deliberately buying them up to force people to the market

yeah some one is doing this..... what can be done to solve this???
Nothing. It's Lords of War and MONEY. I don't like market speculation, but there wont be any control on it.
Even the most active player can buy 1 DS per hour. Nobody quick enough to click twice, except with script
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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