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AuthorCrypt Key/Treasure Enclosure
Discuss the crypt keys and related topic here.

Ermm.. What do we do with the keys?

Can the enclosure only be unlocked if the same 3 players who fought use the key on the same lock? Or Can I save up the keys and use it to open an enclosure myself later?
By the way, my Plague key image is not showing on the Treasure enclosure page. Reloading and clicking 'view image' show broken link.
my Plague key image is not showing on the Treasure enclosure page. Reloading and clicking 'view image' show broken link.
My Solstice key too have the same problem :(

The image of this bow too isn't showing in the Inventory, but its shown in the link
Apparently, when you have the keys, you can click on th ecorresponding lock and the count goes down by the number of keys you used. If you can't see the key you have, just put the cursor on the locks, it'll highlight the one it opens.

I don't know if you can store the keys, but it seems logical that you can...
The image of this bow too isn't showing in the Inventory, but its shown in the link

Hmm.. it says - Shortbow - was picked up by a commander. It may not be sold or transfered.

What if my inventory is full? Will I still be able to receive a reward in battle?

And since these are 'low level' arts, and I wouldn't be using it, and I can't sell or transfer it, how am I gonna get rid of it so I can buy other regular arts to fight Crypt battles (??)
Hmm.. and how do I get back to the Treasure Enclosure page to use my key? I can't find it anywhere.... :/
It is only accessible after any battle with the venomancers. It is inside the crypt, not everyone can browse it at his or her leisure ;-)
You will still receive a reward; you will have 46/45 arts, and can't buy anything new until it's back to 44/45 or lower.
You can sell them for 1 gold ;)
And it isn't just low level: I got heavy mithril boots 5/5 on my first try.
What if my inventory is full? Will I still be able to receive a reward in battle?
how am I gonna get rid of it so I can buy other regular arts to fight Crypt battles (??)
They may be sold to state. They may not be traded between characters.

Keys may be hoarded and then used in stacks.
damn net is cutted so cant be on battle:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(
Can the enclosure only be unlocked if the same 3 players who fought use the key on the same lock? Or Can I save up the keys and use it to open an enclosure myself later?

Still not sure about this? Can anyone help?
beside the key, i loot a 5/5 AoL. there is a gray color triangle at corner...

i just wonder what was that mean
This is just too bad if i do not want to spend money for above 20 ap i just cant battle now its 30 AP requirement how bad is this .
what does this mean?

Enclosures unlocked: 0 of 8

i hv received and used one key already then why does it say 0?
^^ Can u sell loot items?
^^ Just saw, was picked up by a commander. It may not be sold or transfered. Who's the commander? Seems bad can' remove low dura/level loots.
Arctic said -

Keys may be hoarded and then used in stacks.

But after a battle won, the Treasure Enclosure page says -
Use your keys and expect your companions to do the same. Only by combining your efforts can the enclosure be unlocked.

So what does it mean by Use your keys and expect your companions to do the same. Only by combining your efforts can the enclosure be unlocked."

Kidda contradicts to what Arctic said... yes?
Edit. Should be -

So what does it mean by "Use your keys and expect your companions to do the same. Only by combining your efforts can the enclosure be unlocked."
So what does it mean by Use your keys and expect your companions to do the same. Only by combining your efforts can the enclosure be unlocked."

To me it says that if we keep on holding on to those keys, we'll be fighting there forever :P
How so? :-O

Keys may be hoarded and then used in stacks.

Use your keys and expect your companions to do the same.

I see one word there =) Use them =) In stacks or one by one - that's up to you.
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