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AuthorWhy Level 9 art better than level 10


How come?
Maybe you miss "the Increases the melee damage dealt by 20%." in second one description.
Yeah how come lvl 9 art give +50% damage while lvl 10 give only 40%
Yeah how come lvl 9 art give +50% damage while lvl 10 give only +20% (and +20% for melee only)
I think the Blade is in most cases better than the Spear, but it requires doing some math to undestand.

For example your attacking unit has 20 attack, while defending unit has 10 defense.

N * RND(min, max) * 1,5

When you wear the Spear then

N * RND(min, max) * 2

your attack increases 2/1,5 = 1,33 times, so about 33%.

When you wear the Blade then, your attack is

N * RND(min, max) * 1,7 * 1,2

so it increased about 1,7*1,2/1,5 = 1,36 times, so about 36%.

Depends on the situation and surely there are cases where Spear is better, but in most cases I think the Blade is better.
for jrf:
i think yor calculation was Fals

When you wear the Blade then, your attack is

N * RND(min, max) * 1,7 * 1,2

so it increased about 1,7*1,2/1,5 = 1,36 times, so about 36%.

1.7+(1.5*0.2) = 2 (for melee)
1.7 (for ranged)
That's a good point, melee bonus doesn't influence the ranged attack.
For melee, I am pretty sure my calculation is correct.

This is wrong: 1.7+(1.5*0.2) = 2 (for melee)
This topic helps understanding the calculation of damage with different type of bonuses.

The higher one's attack start value is (naturally the higher your level is) the more attractive the sword becomes over the spear. The exception is obviously for a specialist ranger build.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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