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AuthorHunter Guild Guide !
Hunters’ guild is a foundation that protects the Empire's lands from neutral creatures' attacks. According to the scouting reports, they can be spotted near facilities on the global continent map. Besides improving your combat characteristics, facing neutral creatures can also grant you additional income as captured gold and artifacts. Challenging neutrals is possible once in a [40 min.; 60min.] period (random occurrence each time) (at combat level 1 and 2 the waiting time is twice as short, 20-30 minutes). Passing by the neutrals or moving to another location while having neutrals on track brings up another ones in half that interval.

A lord can ask for assistance in hunting after getting level (2) in the guild.
The assistant must be present in the same region;
have the same combat level;
at least level 1 in hunters’ guild.
In case of victory, the assistant does not get any gold, but does gain 0.1 hunt points, up to 0.25 faction skill points, full experience and has a chance to find an artifact. The combat initiator will get the amount of hunt points proportional to damage dealt during the hunt (SkillPoints *2 ).

Hunting gives twice less faction points and 5 times less combat experience if compared to PVP combats. After getting enough hunt points to get a new guild level, the guild will teach you more complicated combat tactics increasing your attack skill by 1.

With the hunt points amount increased, numbers of neutral creatures on the map grows, too, as well as treasures, guarded by them, and artifact value. Thus, after getting level 3 in hunters’ guild you will be able to find some resources in addition to gold.

The probability of getting an artifact is determined by the lord's hunter level. The higher the guild level is, the more probable it is to find an artifact. Thereupon, new hunters' guild levels ensure finding better items. Artifacts found have unique properties and can be kept to gather ammunition sets.

Attacking neutral creatures is only possible anytime the regular combat is possible:
1) Your troops must be 100% ready;
2) Your character must not be in a combat challenge;
3) The "Defense" parameter of your character mustn't be negative;
4) Your character must have company of troops recruited in the army.
5) Make sure u have good arts ! in tough hunts.
Hunters should take to consideration, that three quarters of mana used in hunt will be immediately restored after finishing it.

The guild has its own top rating list. Details.

Grows numbers of neutral creatures on the map: N=n*1.69max(Y;0.1)
N - new creatures number,
n - old creature number (before win),
Y - skill points, that you give on battle with old creature number.
If you do succesful hunt alone (Y = 0.5), number of neutrel creature grows to 30%.

The probability of getting an artifact: (3+HG level) %

white=piece of cake
red with exclamation=challenging

white and green :dont need arts,in yellow if u get troops that relatively are strong to ur faction were arts,RED:Arts are must.Challenging:ARTS ARE COMPLETELY NECESSARY.

more tips are free to post
if red or chalenging you can ask for assisst
yes u can ask for assist,ur very wright,but if u do challenging u have a chance to make a hunt record,

suppose 34 shrews is the record,and u get 34 shrews to defeat,u think u can make a record by beating 34 shrews no,u have to beat more than the,since it might be impossible for ur level to beat 34+30%,u ask for assist,next time u get 1 or 2 more shrews say 36 shrews now u can beat them and make a record

a)hunter's guild lvl 0.
-Bandits (12)
- Bowmen (10)
- Farmers (25)
- Gargoyles (10)
- Goblins (25)
- Gremlins (15)
- Hobgoblins (25)
- Imps (25)
- Skeletons (20)

hunters'guild lvl 1
- Demons (30)
- Faeries (25)
- Ghosts (10)
- Golems (10)
- Gremlin engineers (15)
- Griffins (6)
- Lizard cubs (15)
- Recruits (25)
- Swordsmen (10)

b)hunter's guild lvl 2
- Angels (2)
- Forest keepers (25)
- Incendiaries (30)
- Magi (5)
- Poisoners (30)
- Rogues (20)
- Spawns (40)
- Vampires (8)
- Wolf riders (30)
- Zombies (30)
c)hunter's guild lvl3
- Druids (12)
- Elite forest keepers (50)
- Elven bowmen (16)
- Infected zombies (100)
- Lorekeepers (10)
- Mercenary archers (20)
- Mercenary warriors (15)
- Ogres (8)
- Orcs (20)
- Renegade thugs (30)
- Shrews (40)
- Skeletal bowmen (80)
- Sprites (25)
- Succubi (20)
- Wolfhounds (80)

c)Hunter's guild lvl 4
- Apparitions (35)
- Archliches (7)
- Cerberi (80)
- Clerics (9)
- Crossbowmen (50)
- Enchanted gargoyles (50)
- Frenzied griffins (40)
- Genies (16)
- Giant lizards (80)
- Giants (6)
- Guardians (40)
- Liches (8)
- Lizard cavalry (60)
- Modern golems (45)
- Monks (12)
- Ogre magi (60)
- Plains wolves (20)
- Rebels (500)
- Renegade scouts (40)
- Rocs (8)
- Royal griffins (40)
- Senior genies (20)
- Tamed minotaurs (40)
- Unicorns (14)
- Wolf raiders (50)

d)Hunter's guild lvl5
-Behemoths (8)
- Cave demons (10)
- Cyclops (20)
- Death envoys (25)
- Grandmaster bowmen (50)
- Hell horses (40)
- Hydras (50)
- Ladons (30)
- Lizard assailants (80)
- Minotaur soldiers (50)
- Mistresses (70)
- Nightmares (35)
- Orc chiefs (50)
- Renegade magicians (50)
- Skeletal dragons (12)
- Sphynx guardians (20)
- Sphynx warriors (20)
- Thunderbirds (15)
- Titans (8)
- Treefolk (30)
- Vampiric lizards (100)

e)hunter's guild lvl 6
- Anchorites (80)
- Brilliant unicorns (30)
- Cavalry (30)
- Dark witches (25)
- Devils (12)
- Mercenary sorcerers (60)
- Vampire counts (80)

NOTE:ALL these are the tarting creatures and their strength in numbers,apart from those listed you might face other creatures.
Can you please stop copy pasting information from WitchHammer?

We are all aware of the site, thank you, very much.
yes dont be oversmart it is a copy from witchhammer

I understand that you are trying to be helpful. That is noble and to be encouraged, but please stop just copying and pasting information that is already readily available on WitchHammer. If you have additional information, analysis, or tips for new players that is not readily available elsewhere, it is most welcomed.

As a newer player, you can bring a valuable perspective and fresh set of eyes to our forums so I don't want to discourage you from contributing, but please try to contribute in a manner that takes advantage of your fresh perspective here.
closed by Slynky (2010-11-04 17:13:32)
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