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Authorbig donators would get more gold with diamonds
like this if you have donated less than 1000euros you will get that 2500gold per diamond when you chance them as usually, but all euros donated over 1000 euros would be possible to chance on 5000 gold pieces.
5000 is maybe too much, but I like the idea. It could be like another guild called Diamond Guild

0 - 500 diamonds donated = 1 diamond for 2500 gold
500 - 1000 diamonds donated = 1 diamond for 3000 gold
1000 - 2000 diamonds donated = 1 diamond for 4000 gold
over 2000 diamonds donated = 1 diamond for 5000 gold

But I dont believe it will ever happen, because as it could increase income of game owners, it would probably affect economical balance in game.

But anyway +1 to your idea.
What about diamond buyers from diamond mine? No benefit?
-1 then poors will be poorer and rich will be richer
-1 then poors will be poorer and rich will be richer

lol, what a fail concept

poors will be poorer this part true ...


rich will be richer is total wrong.

the only one that will be rich is diamond buyer.
so wat's wrong about it that make u give -1? :)
poors will be poorer this part true ...

i agree with you vastor but i dont understand that if i buy 5000euros of diamonds how it affects to poors:p
for naapa92:
it's complicate to explain(nid keybord) to write the long explanation.

but, hey, i got simple one...

when people buy diamond, in-game money will increase. when this happen average amount of money for someone would be counted as 'rich' would increase too. same happen to the poor.they will become 'poorer'(in 'natural' way) ;)
It's called inflation, lol.
Buying diamonds in mine brings no profit to developers. But Im really curious what benefit you would expect if you buy diamonds in mine? Buying diamonds in mine is just transformation of gold into diamonds and it allows you to buy upgrades without using your real money, so its already a big benefit given to every player.
He just wants more benefits for diamond mine buyers such as cheaper diamonds. He's not really thinking about benefit to the developers. Technically the diamond mine is actually bad for developers.

I think your rate schedule is fine. Inflation due to donations would be very minimal. Inflation due to cheaters is probably over 100x whatever the donations can manage.
+1 to your schedule :)
for ChooJeremy:

can't think of that word when my brain exhausted. xD

btw, +1 to idea
Technically the diamond mine is actually bad for developers.

its a genious tool to draw excess gold from game. those who collected some amount of game gold but still far away from TGI price, may give up enroll - 10 fight -enroll torture and decide to partialy cover their TGI cost of ˆ's.

agree with vidlak's diamond guild idea.
its a genious tool to draw excess gold from game.
Agree; but there are other ways of doing this such as the LG update, estates, and rare arts.
those who collected some amount of game gold but still far away from TGI price, may give up enroll - 10 fight -enroll torture and decide to partialy cover their TGI cost of ˆ's.
Some might do this, but I see far more players buying diamonds with gold when they would have paid with ˆs.

This idea is good because even among donators, few would exchange diamonds for gold.
well +1 and -1

poors will be poorer and rich will be richer

+1 cause it would increase attention and money going to server
lol if poors get poorer i can donate million and chance on old rates then i have 2.5 billion even empire looks poor so i think peoples who won't donate its their own shame that is way i see it.
who won't donate its their own shame that is way i see it.

true, that's why these people give -1... but for real, tis was gud idea to encourage peps to buy diamonds

but, tis idea will not only make non-donator look poor, but inflation of gold will happen(however the chance is almost impossible even 50% of player buy diamond) :)
it would probably affect economical balance in game.

Admins gave LG-cut on both servers, so why'd they care a heck about this reason ;)
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