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Author[Rent] +40% Weapons with I and Thief Set
Sword of might [E9] 400 gold per battle
Mithril longsword [I10E10A10W10] 1350 gold per battle
Thief dagger [I10E10A10F10] 1350 gold per battle

You can rent both artifact for 2500 gold per battle
--> Leasing thief set <--
with Thief dagger [I10E10A10F10]
1 battle 4300 gold
5 battles 4000 gold/battle

Thief arts can be rented separately, price depends from the art.

Clan mates have a discount of 10%
Duration of leasing 1.5 hours per battle
For every battle that you have payed but you did not make, you take back half the gold you paid
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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