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Continue the Story (game)


AuthorContinue the Story (game)
when mario found out that he couldn't hack arctic's password because of a mysterious reason, barney the dinosaur stepped out...
he tried to kill arctic but the prnguin saved the day by .....
taking out an ak47, a bazooka, a gernade launcher, m16's, rocket launchers, shotguns, bowsers, goombas, desert eagles and some pizza's for some reason
then arctic offered him 10000000000000000000000000000 gold
which he rejects because of personal reasons...
but he said he could reward him by giving him a free thieves guild invitation.
he continues to deny because his mom told him not to accept any strangers gift...
and arctic continues the journey with the penguin
they finished the quest for god...
and then after ages the penguin rebirths
but he fell down a tree because he was harrasing the squirrel on the tree
and he was dead
and the cycle continues
Now, a lion takes birth to avenge the squirrel which led to the penguin's death.
fine, then martians came and zapped the earth into dust, world demolished.
The END!
(hah again)
Suddenly, flaminghorse came and said the ant is so weak that...
everyone can survive even if he took a very sharp sword and slice off everyones head...
which had roll into the graveyard and became...
-_-, the end of the world :D
and suddenly a new 'BIG BANG' happens and gives rise to a new world but there was also 'unsafe' because...........
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