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AuthorReinventing the inventory
Councilor Arabat, the leader of Demon rebellion in the past and head of group of dissident Demons who broke off their avaricious cousins and joined the multi-factional Empire, was incontestably the most curious member of the Court.
On one hand, his brutal looks and habits could strike fear into the bravest of Paladins, his natural peculiarity of breathing out smoke along with loud exclamations and grins made ground for many horrifying rumours; simple subjects of the Empire lucky enough to face him in the streets of the Capital even nowadays were growing immobile, terrified with his ferocious looks. In the ruling circles, among the Court members and other nobility, there were many jokes about Her Majesty's "Strike team", the Negotiation crew in his and Lady Quetlisse's person. Mild and insinuating, melodic speech of the Elf councilor in combination with intimidating uncontradictable presence of the Demon took everyone by surprise, making them willy-nilly agree to all terms the Court was interested in.
But along with that, he had an extremely amiable heart, a great curio among Demons, the fact which has most likely served as reason for his dissension in the first place. Being of an extremely noble origin, and of creative cast of mind, complex and way of thinking and constructive imagination, he could not coexist with his unruly cousins, primitive in their wishes, hungering for power and destruction. It would be wrong to state that he wasn't somewhat arrogant, both due to his origin and his differing traits.
For this very same reason he never tolerated being called in any other way than his full name and title, Arabat Flamesoul the Fourth. The unpredictable demon blazed up each time he was called, in his opinion, improperly; the only two persons he never objected to in this matter was Her Majesty the Empress and Her father; however She was wise enough to call him accordingly, taking his capricious temper into account.
Councilor Arabat joined the Empire as the Warlord, supreme commander of all dissident Demon forces, back in the days when the widowed Emperor was still alive ruling with wisdom and will, doing his best to make a good example of a fair ruler for his daughter, the future Empress. It was not known what were the reasons that moved him to accept the Demons into the Empire, but as with many other decisions His Majesty had made in His life, it was a right decision. Demons brought new blood into the Empire's veins, soon becoming part of its multiverse life and providing unique knowledge about their kin in terms of tactics, of their unique ability to gate reinforcements, and of their magical affinity. In case if, at any moment in future, the Empire was to face Arabat's insatiable cousins, it would be well prepared.

Arabat somehow did not have the avarice characteristic to any and every Demon, despite having enough authority and influence to be respected by all demon forces of the Empire and considered their leader. This was the reason why, during the Imperial reformation, Arabat was assigned the post of Finance Councilman.

On that day, the demon councilor presented a few projects for the Council to consider, one of which was accepted immediately and welcomed unanimously by all members of the Court.

Dear players, please welcome the new inventory interface.
The amount of possible ammunition presets is increased to 5, making it possible to name every set according to their personal preferences. Equipping and unequipping artifacts became much quicker.
All artifacts listed in the inventory are split into categories according to ammunition type and ownership.
Two tags were added to mark the items in the inventory and sort them into groups. Any item can be tagged with neither, one or both tags. Also, a special Stash group was introduced to hide items from any other lists and groups.

We hope you will like the new inventory interface and that it proves much more comfortable for your gameplay. In order to enjoy this new view, please make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
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