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Author[NEWS] Reinventing the inventory
very useful update, coool!
#38 I think in group Misc should be TGI, Ale, Elixir of restoration, Mana tube and Potion of oblivion
+1 to Artic

Thanks :)
Great update, big thanks to Arctic.

Worth the time for me to get back online even while on vacation. :D
On another note, the script which is used to show the durability of arts while wearing them seemed to be turned off. Anyone with the same situation?
On another note, the script which is used to show the durability of arts while wearing them seemed to be turned off. Anyone with the same situation?

For me it works ok everywhere except the inventory page.
+1000 Arctic!
Nice to see one of my old request https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1854056 (and i'm sure not only mine) come true :). Thanks!
the last tab is very good
A big thanks to the admins for the stash :)
(so that those artifacts wont show up in the other tabs)
^^ Nice minor update, wait for major one much later ;)
For me it works ok everywhere except the inventory page.
Aye me too, forgot to mention that.
Thanks for the upgrade: nice to have more presets available. Now if you could do something similar for recruiting...
^^ Btw: Why not have loan arts shop?
52: and for talents...
54: and for mini-arts...
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