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AuthorActiveness admin of our game server
11-28-10 03:55: Player was imposed a penalty of 5000 gold. // Insult in private mail. 2009-12-27 16:06:55

Hey wow..look at the date..i was actually laugh it out loud when i saw this..

such penalty popped out today ..

It might happened because:

1. Admin really 'active' on this server
2. The reporter keep spam admin mail until the admin caNT stand it along and press ban button on me

Any comment fellow lords?

You have already created a similar topic here -


Please kindly lock 1 or the other or I'll do it for you, at my discretion.

An offense is an offense. There are many who have violated the rules (like illegal transfers etc) years back, and only got punished recently. So nothing new there.

PS: With reference from your other thread, I seriously doubt any moderator have the powers to influence an admin's decision, so what you are implying just don't make sense. :)
moro88, instead of doing it right, you are still doing it wrong :)
If you are unhappy with this decision (and I know you are, because I could see you didn't mean to insult him at all), the best decision is to contact Secretary in the first person and prove your point. And the worst decision is to do what you do - whine at the forum, breaking a few forum rules along.
moro88, your point was seen. What would you like more? Somebody to lift that penalty? Only admins can "apologize" to you if you aren't guilty and, in order for the admins to hear your plead, you should write to Secretary. She is the only one who can judge your plead. The rest is dust in the wind (annoying for eyes and good for nothing).

Good luck!
You've given 2 reason you think the fine happened now. Let's look at these reasons.
Option 1 obviously seems the most logical.
Option 2. Hmm. Let's see what the secretary was thinking. I can shut up a spammer by bowing to their childish internet mail bombing (when I could just block them, black list them, or use many other tools)and at the same time look inconsistent and be mail bombed by someone else. Option 2 is not very likely.

There's some serious persecution complex there. It's 5000. Get over it. I've had some harsh things sent by PM to me, and I've chosen not to send it to the secretary. Some choose to send it on.

If you send something that can be construed as an insult, then you need to be willing to bear the cosequences. There is no such think as Completely free speech. You aren't allowed to yell fire in a crowded sports ground for example.

I may get a forum ban for this post. I think I haven't done anything that would get a ban as 2 mods left the thread open, but if I do, that's the risk I take, and I'm willing to bear the consequences.
Glad the Secretary is back!!! woohoooo!!!...

Maybe he'll heed to my suggestion for Empirial Court reformation too... :))
Just one word "LOL"

But then again,moro you got the penalty for something you did no matter how deep in the past.There's nothing wrong in it.
My mails can be ignored. >_<" Or should be.
Only admins can "apologize" to you if you aren't guilty and, in order for the admins to hear your plead

Long time ago story....
2:12:15 [!Chat_Moderator]private to karamba: You are banned. Reason: Keep yuor nose out of everyones business .
03-01-09 09:47: Received 5000 Gold from Empire : Moral compensation for an unwarranted ban.
to post 2,3,4,5,7

Dont get me wrong ..do you think secretary would read all the insult mail from year ago?hey hey hey it seems to me some baby crying people keep report the issues until the secretary can't get along with it and press the penalty button

Common sense..would you finish your job from the past(year ago)? I mean there are thousands of insult mail to be finished..i don't think the secretary will finish it..

what can i say?

Let the story continue!

hahahaaa..do you think that you could beaten me with that penalty?my mind is WAY STRONGER THAN YOU! at least i wouldn't find my parents to cry when im in trouble

good day!
It's all a case of perception. In my opinion a stronger mind would have not needed to go to the forum, in obvious breach of the rules, to cry about it.

I'm glad you don't go to your parents to dob people in. It seems you may nearly stand alone in that regard at times.
closed by Magier (2010-11-30 21:29:13)
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