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Author | Who might be imposed a penalty. |
I was sitting here alone, thinking my thoughts, heart was, bleeding, not being with the person I wanted, So I just made a few small thoughts when I looked through the forum.
This game I've used so much time on, wasted it you might say, made my deals, lost, won.
But a matter of fact, I am proud of what I've done in this game, on a plan where all had the same chances as me.
Most of my BGs have ended like I wanted, I made my thoughts made my moves.
then I see a person who has gotten over 1 million gold for doing nothing (it seems), what a beneficials, but we still play on same terms in a fight against each other.
but leave the battle field and looking on the speeches from different people I can't stop wondering how come some people were imposed a penalty for correcting another person, just because he is masking his words, which is btw illegal.
Anyways made my thoughts, my dear love just came on virtually, so I will pass out for a while and chatting, longing for the day we soon will see each other, a world which aren't haunted by such people who can't open their eyes :)
Penelope | +1 | We are human, and try as we might, human makes mistakes, lots of them.
*Maybe* a mistake was made, either in haste and/or the understanding of the English language is not as proficient as he should be.
It's good sometimes to take a step back, and let things cool down, and not react in a knee-jerk manner.
Who knows, sometimes, just sometimes, mistakes can, and will, be corrected. :)
PS: And stop writing in such a melancholy way. You are making my eye tear.. :p | The Administration was already informed about that incident and I can assure you people the situation will be resolved ASAP.
Though the funny thing is no1 actually PMed Secretary about that situation as they were supposed to according to the rules of this game but instead lots of guys have decided to start a public discussion of the situation which is instead forbidden by the rules of this game. That's classy. People learn the rules for Christ sake.
Anyway, I'm locking this thread and asking all the participants to wait a while and see for themselves how the situation will be resolved in the nearest future.
I do ask all players reading this thread/post and this or that way being interested in this situation to stay away from any public discussions of the case since:
"4. Questions concerning closed affairs, requests and other attempts to contact the Administration are made with the help of Secretary. Violation of this rule is penalized by at least 24 hour ban".
PS: answering your possible question, no, that wasn't me in charge of that 'so-much-talked-about cards game' case. | closed by Lord cantbstopped (2010-11-29 00:07:29) |
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