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Author[buy] Estate in Empire Capital or Lake [waiting offers]
I am waiting for offers.
"I will buy an Estate in Yellow Lake or Empire Capital".
Stars not important.Important is Price.
[Player banned by moderator cantbstopped until 2010-12-04 20:28:40 // rules #2, 6 of the Trade forum LRs]
2. Thread headers in this section must meet the following standards:
[Service Type][Service/Item Name][Price]


6. It is forbidden to organize auctions in the branch. Market serves for this purpose (https://www.lordswm.com/auction.php).
Auction by definition is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering/accepting bids and choosing the highest/lowest bidder. Threads containing offers for sale without prices and/or offering buyers to contact sellers for details; as well as threads without price offers for purchase and/or offering sellers to contact them with offers instead are not allowed in trade forums.
closed by Lord cantbstopped (2010-12-03 23:27:37)
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