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AuthorAn interesting point regarding the Competition among MCs.
for Phase:
Yeah, thats really unfair Elite Warriors have 31 14+lvl in the clan with 181 member and your clan have 12 of 14+lvl with 200 clan members..eh...but wait..they r number 2 at moment and your clan is number 6... Maybe there is some other reasons that clans with more lower lvl members have huge advantage? ;)
eh... it is all about the amount of active players during the events + the wining rate in combat.

the more active players in MC join the fight, the higher chance your MC can earn the score with post-conditions that your MC member players play well, win the combat asap then you can start another combat shortly

i failed to see how the total amount members and the average level in MC would affect that.
to 21,

I respect the clan of Elite Warriors. This clan no doubt is the best in this sever. Also, LoS and Dark Alliance are very powerful. However, some clans on the tops are not so well known to those long-time players. This is a truth.

BTW, I just stated an interesting point, and concluded that it is SOMEWHAT unfaire.
LoL, Phase, you have respect for Elite Warriors, for LoS and Dark Alliance, but not for Warriors' Guild Wrath who's fairly number 1 right now ?
For Phase

Yeah as you can see WGW has more 80+ people than LOS and EW..well this competition based on quantity of the clan..not quality

for WGW: i expect your clan can get a further score than us but it seems that the gap between EW and WGW only 30+..so what does the 80+ people do?hahahaha

no offense to WGW member...have a nice day =)
have FUN people!!!! remember the dark ages of no admin activity? dont forget them and enjoy!! its no matter who will, win

its joyride, more ppl active in clan, all the talkings, fun, anger when lost, many emotions, take as much as You can from event


merry christmas :)
for dziadu:
Incredible - complains about unfaire - pfff.
All is in your hand - recruit more members of lower levels, asks all to play only for MC not in free battles, ask them to sleep 2-3 hours - whats the point?

have FUN people.

PS: Merry christams
Keep it civil, people.

You can have your opinion about the topic, but kindly refrain from directing negative remarks towards a specific clan or individual.

In my opinion, the author of #26 said it all with - THE WINNER IS ONE: "ALL PLAYERS"
Old Rilin shrugs and shakes her head...life itself is unfair,,,she thinks to herself...pointless to point out one or two examples because fight we must...else be overcome by rogue demons
Guys, you are terrible :)

Think: how many fair competitions we have seen 'til now? Only one, the latest Demon Festival Survival.

Minor Tournaments: equipment, guilds' bonus, DIAMOND's UPGRADES (the first 2 are not so important, the last one is the crucial point in many levels).

Mixed Tournaments: as below.

Survival Tournaments: like before, with the only difference that diamond upgrades will certainly rule.

Throne battle: oh, come on, you know better than me ;)

So, the point is: there's nothing fair, take this game for what it is, a game. They will not change the situation, never, so take the good things and enjoy ;)

Btw, the fact that some players have been recruited only for this event is, as i said, a fact. And obviously, it is difficult to understand the difference between a recruitment and the will of a player to enjoy this wonderful event ;)

PS: happy Christmas!
My dear all friends, you need ALL keep in mind it s fantastic GAME, from gamers FOR gamers. So there s no point in this competition to show why this, and check him...

Please, enjoy the game and have fun.

I like all players regardless their Small logo, only the player behind the name account, nothing else is important. So please stop this thread and enjoy the game like it must.
Since the time for a battle at high lvl is longer, the clans with more lower lvl members have huge advantage. Let's look at the No.1 Clan, they have only several 14-15 players. And, There is even no player of lvl 14 and beyond in the Clan of "Guardians of Russia†"

So, the competition is somewhat unfair.

This can be solved very easy: Instead of counting the numbers of fights, we should count the total number of experience gained by a player in the tournament.

This way, level 14-15 players will fight longer battles but gain a lot of experience in each of them. Low level players will fight faster battles but will get less experience in each battle.

Artic, what do you think about this ?
for WGW: i expect your clan can get a further score than us but it seems that the gap between EW and WGW only 30+..so what does the 80+ people do?hahahaha

i failed to see the point to start any provoking on public as well... it will just bring trouble to you. feel free to bring it into private channel

after all, the event is more for fsp farming for player to build new faction level rather than scoring the point to show how was the man :)
Not good idea. In this case you would just tip the scale onto the otherside, cause high lvl players will have even grater advantage than low lvl have now...

Stop complaining and start enjoing. This is a perfect event for getting SP so use this if you cannot find a sense in the MC competition.
I think it's great that MCs are finally useful for something rather than just having an interesting icon next to your nickname.

In the "Undead" event, I fought most battles in open vanguards (unless I had 2 players waiting in the clan chat to start a MC vanguard right away). In this event, I'm only fighting in #153 vanguards, because there is more at stake than just the individual score. And like me, I bet there are many others throughout all MCs doing the same. Which helps MC members to get to know each other better, and to make more friends. For this alone it would be worthwhile.

As to the competition, I can't see why it's not fair. Some MCs have more players? The way I see it, if they do, they must be doing something well and therefor they deserve that extra edge. MCs recruiting at the last hour? For as long as they don't evict the players at the end of this event, that's just fine.

Good luck to all, and seize the opportunity to get to know your MC mates a little better. Whoever wins, congrats!
We're all doing the best we can to be successfull in this event and everyone may have other ways to archieve this.

Have fun, good luck and merry christmas!
^^ Some ppl have more time, some ppl have more clan members, some have more luck, some have more arts/gold, some have many activities but all can have fun. Put fair in own pocket and spread the rest /
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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