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AuthorDark Elf faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
There are more or less 2 combinations, one frequently used nad one for special occasions.
Typical one is battle fury + advanced luck or cold blade
other one is rally + offense or luck or another leadership
Mino soldier are good if you take retail for them with poisoners...
Can some of you explain how this lizard charge special ability work? 20% ignore defense per tile, but I cannot understand it fully, how it is before attack,etc.
For example: if the enemy have 2 hell horses stacks, then the lizard can attack one stack with the units defence lowered to zero like at crossbowmen with aimed shot from 3 tiles? That would be brutal...
What is here hard to understand? For every tile they cover before attack, it ignores 20% of target defense. Means, if you do at least 5 tiles, your target defense parameter will be 0.
which is better? might or magic? what talent should i take? if might vs magic who will win?
for 64

u mean at lvl6??

if so go for mage. talents should be basic socery and mana recovery.

if might vs magic who will win?
not sure....
For hunt might is better, for pvp magic is better.

The advantage use magic agains some one, with a hero, cannot decrevese this damage, and you will recive this ever turn is great.

But to hunt this dmg 60 - 100 gonna be complety useless.. So is better full might, and awalys they will come close to you do what you want do.

At pvp magic vs might, sure magic will win, at hunt might will be better.
For tournaments, what is the best recruiting and splitting for a lvl 5 Dark Elf with no poisoners? In general, for any survival tournament.
max rouges>lizards>minos with all points in attack and basic fortune talent

what mistake i did?
First of all you didn't need tactics talent! ( basic fortune is better)

you didn't do any mistakes but it's always difficult when you have a hunt with 4 splits;(
for cyberlord:
well, it was a run n hit....with the new updated AI it is very difficult to hit n run cuz they try to corner u now...
First of all you didn't need tactics talent! ( basic fortune is better)
i had taken it for mg but i always forget to change it
I'm lvl 5 DE, what talents should I put on, if I already have an amulet of luck?
As might DE, you don't have much choices. Either basic luck, basic offence or basic leadership. I'd go for either luck or offence.
Keep in mind that at lvl 5, might DE is terrible for pvp.

@69: When doing a hit and run hunt, place your shrews either top or bottom. This way, the enemy stacks will be concentrated on one side of the field, wich gives a little more room to run.
Those hunts are very hard to solo now because of the new ai. Asking for assist, if only to get the bigger battle field will help a lot.
for 74,
so might DE is terrible ehhh???
so,my winning in PVP is just because i'm lucky.
I've only watched your last combat log page, and in every single pvp battle you had a noticable ap advantage.
Winning with similar ap than your opponent is still possible, but it usually requires either being lucky, or having a brainless opponent.
Death, you have full arts right? when i was with my DE low level, and still is (7 almost 8) At might i get a bit dificult to win a fight, if i no haddle a good team, but with full magic, i can do almost 2v1 alone, because i had moderate ap and full magic...

This is very nice to pvp, but ins't userfull to hunt...

At high level you can try magic and might, but i prefer pure might to hunt, and pure magic to pvp.
hihaha seen your best dark elf to defeat me all will fail they no match with my brain
pvp stands for what?
pvp stands for player versus player
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