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Please make a provision to enroll from mobile devices running 0pera mini s40 versions...it is very hard to enroll when away from computer...i can see everything but can't enroll!! Sob ;(
+1 iphone -> safari
i can see my enroll code but cant enroll11 i am posting this from my mobile...or we can make a mobile site m.lordswm.com where we can only enroll check our mai, forum etc. i is kind of a punishment to see the code and not enroll. this can be made only to high level players to prevent cheating or like that...
i can see my enroll code but cant enroll11
I don't think there's anything they can do about it. Opera doesn't support the Flash security features that is required of the catcha text field for enetering the code, not that LWM is preventing you from enrolling from a phone.

Maybe getting a better smart phone (smarter phone?) that supports Flash features is better? Or pestering Opera to support the latest Flash?
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM