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AuthorTemporary enchantments
The way our enchanting system works, some elements are used much more than others. For example, wind flowers and meteorite shards are used in 4 different enchantments, whereas toadstools and viper venoms are used in only one enchantment. Every toadstool requires a metorite shard (but not the other way around). This means that in the long run, there will be a surplus of some elements in the system, and there's no real way to get rid of them. Sure, you can sell them on the market, but they would still be in the system, just with a different owner.

We should be allowed to use the surplus elements to do temporary enchantments. For example, if we use only meteorite shards or toalstools (not both) to do weapon earth enchantment, then the enchantment would last for only a fixed number of uses (e.g. 20 durability).

Then maybe we won't be too disappointed if we get another toadstool from a merc quest.
-1 the system is fine as it is.
some elements are more rare then others, that's just the way it is.

Enchanting is real expensive, that's just the way it is. Temporary enchantments is a bit of a cheat imo.
yes i agree with toadstool parts they never get out of game
some elements are more rare then others, that's just the way it is.
some elements are more rare then others, that's just the way it is

<chuckle> This has nothing to do with how rare each element is. But I guess explaining that part to you is a lost cause, isn't it?

I suppose I probably should sell my toadstools if I'm not using them then...
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