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Authornew kind of tournament
what if we create a multi event tournament which has tavern games as the first round only the winnrs will qualify for the next round a group battle of 4 (2 vs 2) the winning team will then reach the next round which will be like a survival tournament but with a limit of 5 groups of creatures
the winers will qualify for the final duel round the winners of that duel shall be awarded with a medal of bravery and a prize of 5000 coins he or she shall also be given a trophy which will increase their luck by 1
may be good but i would like it to be fully battle oriented that is no tavvy games

there can be duels , gbs and survival
i dont like the small money u can get for winning. u have spended thousands of money for arts but get only medal of bravery 5k and a trophy?
well then i have to put new prizes -

FOR final round qualifiers
1. medal of bravery
2. master players trophy( +2 luck and +1 morale) gold

FOR winners of final round

1. medal of bravery
2. master players trophy( +2 luck and +1 morale) gold
3. 7500 gold

ENTRY FEES- 1500 gold

if you like that say plus 1 or tell me if you think entry fees is wrong
2 lucky is too much i guess decrease it
ok 2 luck is 1 luck thats final
morale is useless for Necromancer, change it :P
only the winnrs will qualify for the next round
you want to eliminate most of the server from participating?
no he means that there will be multiple rounds to the tournament
eg. a prelim where everyone can participate of a certain lvl the quarterfinal, semis, finals.

kind of ladder tourney u see

but it needs to be organised well so that its fair for evryone

eg. a survival round at first where u have to get a certain no. of points to qualify
then u do pairing for duels and gbs

just an idea
well this is a fair tournament and i accept ani88 the qualification should be of 1000 points any other suggestions fell free to suggest
but i thnk there is still 1 glitch

suppose people participate in tourney and get selected
now they are paired in grps for gbs or duels whatever
now how are they going to conduct battles
do they have to be online at some specific time ???
what happens if one doesnt appear
what happens if both doesnt appear

in a 2vs2 gb if one person doesnt appear in a team then that would give advantage to the other team and the player whos partner dint turn up will lose for no fault of his
hmmmm. instead of that how about a every one for oneself battle all vs all
good idea guy you r a genius lets work on it and the combat will be placed when everybody in combat accepts for it there should be voting
hey any admiinistrator who likes this can really work on it
Why not make it like this?

Levels Required-Lvl 3,4,5 and so forth.
Challenge type:1st round:Tavern tournament(T.T)
2nd round:Survival
3rd round:Duel
Equipment limitations:(0)AP:), No Equipment required
Amount of Attempts:3?
Prizes:1.50000< gold.
2.50% of 1st prize.
3.30% of 2nd prize.

plz dont try to finish it reyron your idea is surely -1 but my idea is the real one please dont pay heeed to his ideas see only mine it could be named as the first complete lords tournament 1st mixed tournament
or maybe you can do a new type of tournament.

The idea is some like this:

You have waves of creatures coming and when you kill a gruop another new appear and you dont have to kill all the wave, when you kill somo ammounts of groups the tier creature increased and this remains until you kill some groups of tier 7 creatures.

It's open to change but the idea its this.

sorry if i have errors my native language its not the english
this is quite different from my idea tho its also confusing but still good
but right now plz first tell how is my idea
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