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AuthorNever letter "b" in the enroll code?
After more than 13 thousands enrolls I've noticed that there never was letter "b" in the enroll code.
(if I ever saw something like "b" it was always "6" instead)

Just curious if it is indeed true.
i think i saw be 2 or 3 times
ya i think thats true
Robai is right i've enrolled 6k and i dont remember ever seening a B.
it think u r right
i have seen actually quite many times its usyally with8...i doubt its more than week and robai you seriously cant state that 11000 enroll back then you would remember that not single b wouldn't occur:DDD
correct me if im wrong:

did u know that the letter 'b' doesnt appear in the spellings of any number from 1-999,999,999, it appears for the first time in a billion: 1,000,000,000

so probably after 999,999,999 enrolls on ur 1,000,000,000 enroll u will find the letter 'b' :D
why don't all of us post our enroll codes to help this fact?
let's check it together. :)
for Divit:
Yes, I guess you are correct
did u know that the letter 'b' doesnt appear in the spellings of any number from 1-999,999,999, it appears for the first time in a billion: 1,000,000,000

That's not a unique distinction. Some letters don't appear at all.
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