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Guide: How to fail at Lordswm


AuthorGuide: How to fail at Lordswm
81. Loose all your money in roulette and complain later in the forum that the min-ap rule makes this game unplayable
is that 3 same as mine topic^^
82. try to find nice side of modi.
83.increase ur knowledge and sp while being a barbarian
101. travel to yellow lake to enroll
14. Equip ring of inspiration while you are necromancer

same as a necromancer waring Medal of bravery
e.g. https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=27470036
102. Don't even know who Arctic is :D
103. Buying Artifacts and dispose them immediately
104. Not reading this guide
105. Wearing full artifacts to battle only 10 farmers
106. Not respecting cantbstopped
107. Not being thankful to admin
108. Not Respecting Her majesty.
109. Spamming the secretary
110. Having no idea what is the #111 guideline to fail :)
[Post deleted by moderator Kiz // [Restructure] 111. Pretending to be Arctic. (because Arctic himself does not fail)]
because Arctic himself does not fail

sorry kiz, i don't mean that. what i meant was someone was Pretending to be Arctic

thx for the rephrase
81. Casting Disruption ray on a stack who already has 0 defense.
*its delete previous post please
111. Casting Disruption ray on a stack who already has 0 defense.
112. messing up with naapa92
112. Try to put 6 luck because you think that more luck , the more chance you will be lucky
113.casting delay on golems
kanss problems on vision? just posted or are you messing with me??
114.buying UCI with diamonds at ROH
the best way to be ..,
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