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AuthorGuide: How to fail at Lordswm
115. creating a 3vs3 random GB with description min AP then at the last second one joins with full and you die.
#116 you think you'll save money by repairing your own level 6 shop arts instead of buying new ones.
#117 accept a mg quest, travel there only to realise you don't have a weapon or enough money to buy one
#118 press the wrong arrow and travel in the completely wrong direction
#119 create a thread asking how to trade diamonds which serves in highlighting a lot of illegal transfers.
#120 post on this thread using your multi ;)
# 121 using bad language in battlechat
#122 Sends offensive mail and get penalized a year later. :{
#123 mail block military clan leaders, empire, admins(i mean people who matter)
#124 joining in gbs. settling ur troops but not clicking the battle button and asking who's afk??
#125. taking retal of 100 golems and then attacking with main stack on 300 mordern golems
#126 Using sprites to take retal
#127 running away by farmers with hydras.
#128 Sell resources or anything in market. Thinking that you will get profit but you forget the 1% tax that finally make you loss or didn't get profit at all
#129 Roulette : Believe that red must be appeared in the next spin after 3-5 black numbers in a row,but black still appear several times,until 7-10 black numbers in a row. Vice versa
#130 accidentally enchant F11 on Hunter broadsword with durability 0/1.

I already have done something similar when I accidentally selected Great hunter sword with durability 2/8 and added E10 on it:
Since elements are already wasted I added A2 there too (I will add also W2), for the best effect/cost ratio.
#131 forget to unequip enchanted arts before super easy battle
#132 equip the best enchanted arts and try to make hunt record, but after clicking "attack" see the text "... take to the heels" and then you get some random friend (no record even if you win, but arts lost durability)
#133 make 50 multis
#133 make 50 multis

#134 To say they are all your brothers XD
135. by -_NO--NAME_- : Buy diamond at Ridge of hope for 15000 gold and then resell it for 2500 gold

Lazy to think for a while now :P

I will write more if i wanted to

Hope you all enjoy my guide
Win a tourney battle all but the last attack and then go afk

136: be a DE and take soldier's luck talent
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