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AuthorKnockout tourament
I was thinking, why can't there be a tournament that involves you playing somebody in a duel to a final??

I was thinking; a tournament of 64 heroes, first come first served basis, and have these 64 split into 8 groups of 8 based on level and exp. From there you get paired off in your groups with another hero, and this happens until in each section has a final and a winner emerges. The winner will then progress to a stage where all 8 winners are, and these play until a final is played and the overall winner emerges. The prizes could be:

500,000 gold for 1st place
300,000 gold for runner up
150,000 gold for the losing semi finalists
70,000 gold for the losing quarter finalists

Entry fee could be 500 gold?

Any thoughts are welcomed
prizes are very big but thats good
64(participants) X 500(entry fee) =?

500,000 gold for 1st place
300,000 gold for runner up
150,000 gold for the losing semi finalists
70,000 gold for the losing quarter finalists
It's 1M gold
but what if the 8 winners are, lvl 15, 11, 8, 14, 15 etc... ?
adjust prizes and this could be a great idea!
prizes would be according to total entrance fee.

Suppose you have collected gold including entry fee to be x

then 1st will get 50%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
looks quite different almost like my idea in new arena but can this tournament have lvl limits like only for lvl 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15?
No all levels together thatswhyi have 8 different groups for all the levels so thenthe eight winners are from diff levels
yes but if 2 of the winners were lvl 5 and lvl 15, then if they meet in the final stage thats not going to work
Ok let's change it then to levels but have a 32 first come first served level tournament?
Maybe you can have a level 1 & 2 tournament
you could keep your original idea but maybe you could make the final stage a group battle?
maybe SLAYERblade
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