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AuthorSome new ideas & suggestions...
I know what i am talking about cause i made a "Transformers" game once XD (platformer)

Wow! We have an honored player!
I always worship creators.

I wish that admins would recruit you to their team. I'm sure that you would make a difference (a positive one).
good work, Rasdel! You have my respect.
^^ for Rasdel: Maybe you can apply for LWM admin assistant :)
Well, rasdel I seriously think you should apply for the post of admin assistant :)
hey i think your files and pics tried to give me a trojan virus.

i had only been playing on websites that i have been for years and i went on yours and then something popped up saying that i had viruses (typical of a trojan). im just saying i think they did
o_0 My files? I simply put links to images i search on google. No idea about viruses.

I highly doubt that a link to an image would have virus, but i am no technigian.

Anyway, thanks a lot for all your support guys, as i said. I can give my services if ask, i won't charge at all, since that would make no sense. I am NO proffesional, i am an amateur game maker (let's get that clear XD)...

I think this game has potencial and if anyone thinks i can help, i would gladly share my ideas and work with the admins.

Cheers and keep the good fight!
Just as the rest... (You fill in)
You are saying that the game should be made less copied from HoMM by copying everything from HoMM1, HoMM2 and HoMM3? I dont see any reason to do so.

BIG -1
for suomimies26: He's not copying anything buddy :)
For liongo: are you serious? did you even read the whole thing?
its filled with like HOMM II or similar to the one in HOMM II and III or just like in HOMM I,II and IV or based on HOMM III or was in HOMM I and II or like HOMM II and III
and btw check this and compare to his dark elf army

Man U r gr8 but I dont think this will be done.

Anyway Great work.
PM me when u make ur browser game(:P)

I would enjoy it i guess
to suomimies26>

I think you didn't get the point. Maybe you didnt't read carefully...

1st - I am not saying it should be different from HOMM. I am saying that instead of being a carbon copy of each HOMM V faction, it should mix some HOMM units from different titles. In other words, instead of just using HOMM V units, it should use different units from different HOMM games.

2nd - Taking into consideration that aking for lvl, stat or ability change in any faction, meaning no way to change the actual concept of the creature. It would be VERY difficult to suggest a "fresh" faction without it having similaities to the ones we are playing right now. All i did was taking some ideas from other HOMM and merging them with the existing factions.

AGAIN, i know it will probably never be done, since admins are working in other things, or so i have been told. But i would be glad to work on it myself if given the oportunity. If what i do is not liked. Then simply don't use it. I jsut ask for a chance to make the game better. Probably will need some pointers on tools and such, but i personally will do the work, so admins will be free to keep their actual projects.

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