Author | 5 words story. |
this is game you would say to be a nice story about rebillion years ago,like dinosaurs,human,tree,birds and many more.Only about past,i will start first:
Hundreds years ago there was |
I'm sorry, but aren't there enough spam threads around here as it is? :/ |
an ordinary man who came |
to a history park land |
and fell into a pit |
he died and story finishes |
Not realy but he turns |
into a ghost then he |
flying from the pit to |
the heaven to see a |
fight between zeus and kratos |
then he frightened and fled |
to his most private toilet |
then the ground is shaking |
after that his toilet was |
overflowing, water was up to |
his face, he drank it. |
he felt a strange power ! |
and turned into a superhero ! |
to superzero then he feel |