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Authorwhich is better at lv 5?
which is better at lv 5
de barb knigth wizard necro demon
can u plz tell me which one is better and higher damage
all with high faction level and good tactic.
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. ©
id say barb lol barbs the best :)
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // english only on public]
lvl 5 barbs are very strong . I have a lvl5 barb multi.

Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. ©

Like many theories in chemistry, this theory too has lot exeptions at many lvls
wizard and nekro
not wiz barb
all are best
but at lvl 5 DE are worst
i think it would have to be a barb with hobs or a wiz with lots of spell power
de worst ? Look at Character Limstella on .ru
de can beat necro
dwarf :D
forgoten ,too long ago :P

maybe elf/wiz ?
elf is the best even better then wizard because the new unit is better in the elf.But if you want to have a strong hero i think you should take wizard.wizard/elf will be the best,leave the rest!!
lvl 5 barbs r not strong elf and wiz r strong at 6 barbs r strong
strongest on lv 5 is necro with skele bows
fortress,maybe conflux...:P
Brilliant Pang just Brilliant :P :) :D :<):>
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