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AuthorBarbarian faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
New topic as long as old one is closed:

Triggered by the last update on .ru for barbarians and as I hope sometime may come to .com too. So no more magic resistance for faction special ability!!!
It is replaced by anotherone, read translation from google translator:

"Preparing to attack
If the party does not attack, it is gathering force for the next attack, which increases damage. The increase in the accumulated force for each course is equal to the hero's skill and the amount can not exceed 50%.
For example, if one of the Barbarian troops, with the fifth skill faction will be 3-way move, or expect, he has accumulated 15% more power. And when the next attack or a retaliatory strike damage done by this squad will be 15% higher."

Hope it will boost barbarian in high lvls were are very weak...
this update is great! hope it get's implemented on the anniversary;)
Yeah that's pretty cool, it means that others will have to rush the barbarians or else damage will accumulate big time. Don't let the enmy thunderbirds or wolves wait it out or you'll be sorry!
Barbarians shall rule again! they will once again be the strongest offense faction^^
And finally it's here! at least the typical part of it :P

Didn't noticed it working yet, so wait until tommorow.
Actually I did love the idea of the barbarian faction being an offence one. Rush to the enemy and kill them as quickly as possible.

Now they should just sit there and wait till they got killed by the enemy spells and dreaming of the damage they could do, if they hadn't been slaughter?
muawahahahaha yes little doggies sit and gather courage for attack my flames and lightnings soon will drive you yelping forward

summary- i now very much want many battles with barbarians wizard clan thanks admina for update
I think barbs have been made much weaker by this update.

"if you don't attack, you will have a higher attack." See the wonderful logic here?

1. They have no magic, now no magic resistance. At higher levels, they will disappear in smoke.
2. Barbs have low defense; the only possible solution was to storm opponents with a heavy attack. Now, all you can do is sit back and wait. That makes sense if you have a hich defense; but you don't.
3. The only way now, for barbs to play, is to devote all points to defense, huddle, and wait for attacks. It will become a running faction, much like wizards.
4. Wizards, of course, will be much happier.
Just changed to barb at lvl 14.. any tips for recruitment, talents and troops?
Also the best recruitment for MG and TG.. thank you in advance
i think barb weaker when vs wiz , but stronger other cases
my advice to you coolahed is to change back. The latest update made sure that barb faction point does not matter anymore. 5% increased attack per faction point per turn you wait. That's approximately 2 waits per 1 turn of the enemy. You'll get massacred if you wait too long. 1 wait or 2 waits wont make a difference.

I think the admins hate barbarians.

Yeah, so your bazillions of ogres of hobs maxed their racial ability. So what? 1 unit stack with longer movement speed will simply take its retal and it will be gangbanged already before you can use the REALLY HELPFUL faction skill that you waited for a long time.

So thank you to the one who implemented that. Because now I can probably rush gaining level because at 10 faction level I would still need to wait for 5 turns before that skill gets maxed. 5 waits is more or less 3 turns of the enemy.

Another great thing, Now we can use wait on our orcs making them stronger! YAY!
I've just spent 850k+ on building this faction! I don't care if it's weak or strong because I love to try out new factions.. so can anyone answer my question more properly please?
why you need advice enjoy the fun of try out new faction
The Combat Readiness Ability even works if your creature simply moves.
It is not necessary to wait.

I find this ability a lot more better than the Magic Proof Ability.

Just around 20% Extra Damage would simply mean instead of dealing 1k damage, one deals 1200 Damage. Such increased Damages may prove instrumental in winning several games.
barb at lvl 14.. any tips for recruitment, talents and troops? Also the best recruitment for MG and TG.. thank you in advance
I think the whole purpose of this update was to give wizards some chance against barbs... as for how it balances out with the rest of the factions, that remains to be seen.

I'd suggest use offensive talents with retribution and morale instead of luck with medal of bravery, helps you hit more times with "sensitive" units like wolves which are paparmade :P

For TG Barb isn't that strong so don't have high expectations... use full ranged and lot's of ogres as they are last target fot the bots and hard to die.

For new faction ability, one thing's sure, it rocks in ST!
Just around 20% Extra Damage would simply mean instead of dealing 1k damage, one deals 1200 Damage. Such increased Damages may prove instrumental in winning several games.

Really? Let's see. You have 0 faction skill as an barbarian. That means you would need to wait forever and you never have an additional damage.

Even if you would have 10 faction skill, you still need to wait/move/defend two turns and than attack at the third turn.

Most of us would simply attack three times and therefore making 3 times 1k damage. But maybe this is less than making 1,200 damage... lol
thanks for your input Cthulhunick! but what is ST?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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