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AuthorHigh initiative a disadvantage in auto battles ?
I played a couple of battles ( my multi -- Baba Ramdev ) and i noticed that the person having higher ini is at the loosing end.
Eg - your griffs move first and come in range of enemy , opponents butcher you :)

are these observation correct (or is it a coincidence ) ?
no its not correct.
no its not correct.... fair enough... could you elaborate ...
your griffs move first and come in range of enemy , opponents butcher you :) this happens due to lack of I of AI :)
If you choose defensive..High Ini creature also stand there like smiling statue
look at the last battle on my character. Griffs went in the middle and actually didn't get slaughtered. Computer has no intelligence. He sent my 1 unit stacks hob to attack the griffs. One by one.
ya thats true.....
my griffs goes in the middle of the battlefield and dies
@4 moro88
chosing defencive has its own flaws in the auto game as u wait till the enemy approaches you. and i do feel there should have been an option of auto to manual battle inside battle after creating troops. for example my efk having high initiative jump forward while theenemy rougues, efk , or griff easily attack it one by one to finish it before his turn comes again. the win to loss ratio is a dismal 2:8
In Ai program..1 unit means to take retal and sacrifice it..so don't take our human mind to compare with AI mind
I agree with your observations, lastpuff.
I also agree, as a magic wizard I automatically though, well i will play defnsiv then. However, offensive has worked better for me, as my units move after others have advanced, therefore unusually providing me with a target
my EFKs move first and come in range of enemy , opponents butcher you

i plan to block them use unicorn and 1stack EFK

if EFK goes first he will act as bait while others are safe
just take two griffs and split them...
bottom-line! it depends on the situation and the tactics.. but high initiative is always good^^
in auto combats:
melee : slower better
ranger : faster better
Higher initiative is a good thing... Generally. However, sometimes the intelligence of the AI can indeed be "questionable".

In melee-combat it seems that faster creatures run into range and get slaughtered, when they instead should have waited.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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