Author | [service]Pre-Developed GM Scripts[Defined in Thread] |
I have another thread which offers my service to make new GM scripts.
This thread is to advertise those scripts for resale.
The following scripts are available for the price next to them.
- Winter Background (Option in Personal Settings) - 700g
- Quick Bar* (Adds another menu bar for quick use E.g. Clans, Quick Duel) - 700g
- Income Adder (Adds all income for that day and puts it into a table on your home page) - 700g
- Exp & Fsp Adder (Adds all Fsp and Exp received for that day and puts it into a table on your home page) - 700g
- PM Checker (If you leave a tab open on your PM page it will check every 10 seconds for a PM and if you have one it will play a sound) - 800g
- Roulette Blocker (This script is handy for all those Roulette addicts just install this script and you will never see roulette again!!!) - 399g
- Infinite Shortcuts (Have you ever wanted more than 10 shortcuts, well this script can get you as many as you want!!!) - 500g
- Extar Menu Items (Adds Logout and Talents to the Character Menu) - 399g
- Clan Members Online (Adds another box beneath friends online for Clan Members Online) - 600g
All Angels and Demons [MC] get a 10% discount on all prices
All Angels and Demons Academy Members get a 5% discount on all prices
Prices could be negotiable depending on the amount of scripts you buy. | Reference:
1.1. The advertising of any software and user-scripts is forbidden. For now there's an authorized list of user-scripts produced by the following users: LazyGreg (, HAPblB (, xo4yxa ( and Antviolence (
You can't advertise any of your scripts in-game, whether you think they are a violation of script policies or not. | +
your scripts are cool! |
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