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Authorimproving knowledge for mana
please one tel me to how i improve the knowledge for the mana power.
everytime you level up, there will be an attribute point to spend on, u can choose to spend it on knowledge

or wear artifacts that gives knowledge boost
If you hav put point in attributes like attack and want to change it, there's a potion for it: https://www.lordswm.com/shop.php?cat=potions (Potion of oblivion). No, you don't get the initiative malus.

Have fun :)
Go there


and buy Potion of oblivion. Use it and you can redistribute your primary parameters.
there are also some talents lvl5 onwards that give you more mana
mysteries of chaos = +2 knowledge
erudition = extra parameters that can be put on knowledge
intellect = increases mana by 50%
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