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Author[pool]witch you like more arctic or lexa?
as topic says witch one of our admins is closer to your hearth.dictator arctic. or man with friendly understooding mind lexa?
I think you got it mixed up nappa:P
dictato lexa and man with friendly understooding arctic

Let's see

Arctic is my kind bro.. and Lexa is...erm,dont wanna get blocked >.>

SO Arctic !
arctic !!
just a little reminder : Actions of moderators and administrators.

5.1. Administration's actions and decisions are not subject to discussion

In fact this topic can slide in your will nappa, so please stop it, before sliding!
pat, this is just voting anyone here to judge lexas or arctic actions will concider as an rebeling and will be meaditly reported to lexa:D
nappa, you are funny and "sometimes" i like your jokes and fun but i hope others could have the same way of thinking as me atm.

Just remember to be clever!
and btw what was your vote?
i vote for Arctic, we are clan-mates in #111 HeroesEmpire (boy was i happy when i got in there... one of the top clans of the time!)

today is the "take a trip down memory lane day"!! :)
fine this stars to get too one sided so i add modi here too. so you can vote arctic lexa or modi
lexa for banning the russians coming from .ru!!!
Well for me its arctic,but i really think its not right to compare mods,all have done great jobs in what they had to do.
They have excelled in their job,and if ppl support arctic to much i have no probs but lexa gets one sides and he might be getting a little be ..err fcuked up ? So its not nice arctic had more power so he could do the events but we should not forget that the mods helped me alot ,and im sure lexa was a part of it !

And yeah..modi ? I dont think he is in the league we might as well cut him out in the race for NOW .
erm.. no foul words DarkNekro!
Arctic and Lexa are both male, so not sure which of them i would rather see in a pool
lexa for banning the russians coming from .ru!!!
Arctic and Lexa are both male, so not sure which of them i would rather see in a pool possible the question was intended for females :p
for dogegs2:
for Atheros:

What do you have against Russians ?!
T90 tanks i guess ?
for DarkNekro:

No, 11904 gold from hacked Xarrior )))
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