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Might and Magic: Heroes 6

AuthorMight and Magic: Heroes 6
Hello everybody!

Do you know when is the release date of Might and Magic: Heroes 6?
Oups, sorry for double post, but I forgot to write something..

Do you know when is the release date in Europe of Might and Magic: Heroes 6?
[Post deleted by moderator Alexander (adm) // ]
interesting game!
i can wait :)
i can wait :)
good for you :P

i cant wait to try it :D
Is this Heroes of Might and Magic 6 or smth else? The monsters are different, some of them at least. And there is this new water faction Sanctuary.
I can't wait. 20 days left :)

for DarknessDoom:
Do you mean LWM? LWM is based on Heroes of might and magic 5.
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // flood]
Today the pre-public beta ended. The real beta will start in 6 days :)
Beta started two hours ago :)

[Post deleted by moderator Magier // by request]
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // by request]
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