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Author38th Survival Tournament - level 8
I know 15 and 16 waves)
38271 7(4) dark elf
knights are not good for survival tournaments =s

As CJ_5 said, they're actually pretty decent if you play them right.

i only *just* managed to break 20k points

I also just broke 20k with my current highest, but I've only used 2 attempts and have nowhere near full arts.
Demon around 30k
no where near de or barbs for survival tournaments. that's for sure.
34360 demon 7[7]
7(6) 40326 dark elf best try )))
i did mine with full arts and an enchanted som, only managed 23k for knights. maybe i really suck =s
enchants cannot be used on tournaments
i just used it. i win
its a 'shop artifact', just with added zing.
^^Its a shame I didn't have full arts, I had nowhere near :P pretty sure I could've done better if I did...still got 5 attempts as it happens but I'm not sure I can really be bothered to use them lol.
My first attempt after looong break wasn't terrible, but there were too many mistakes :(
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Dark elf] 47955

And all waves in 1 post (left-up-right-down)

1. 15 sprites, 3 griffins, 15 sprites, 3 griffins
2. 26 xbows, 12 ren. thugs, 26 xbows, 12 ren. thugs
3. 1 cave demon, 34 dryads, 1 cave demon, 34 dryads
4. 0, 3 clerics, 0, 3 clerics
5. 10 ren. scouts, 69 imps, 10 ren. scouts, 15 beholders
6. 18 evil eyes, 7 anchorites, 18 wolf raiders, 7 air elementals
7. 8 stonegnawers everywhere
8. 37 merc. warriors everywhere
9. 14 royal griffins, 8 anglerfish, 25 orc chiefs, 78 bandits
10. 11 hydras everywhere
11. 2 cr. trolls everywhere
12. 17 vamp. counts, 96 inf. zombies, 17 vamp. counts, 96 inf. zombies
13. 76 dryads everywhere
14. 16 hydras, 13 anglerfish, 7 cavalry, 359 skellies
15. 11 vamp. counts everywhere
16. 22 mistresses, 214 skelbows, 22 mistresses, 214 skelbows
closed by Brilliant (2011-06-20 07:24:22)
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