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is selling arts for profit a good way of earning money?

Say I keep selling sword of might for profit.. how much will I earn in ''rough'' numbers if I sold 30 of them?

just need more info on this.. whether it is a good way of earning money..
depends on price, if there are many resellers, you can got only 1-2 gold for each one, but if there will be few, you can achieve about 10 gold from each one. I had not learn this market
10 gold?

this is not worth it..
yes... in 1 day u can get max 500 profit
but if you will sell it more expensive, another player will sell cheaper, or players will buy on the map, how I proceed
It is profitable. But u need just some tricks on how to sell. Not selling all arts is worth it. See my transfer log. You'll understand.
ok can you give me a rough calculation of how much I could make for a given amount of sales?
if we say here that you can earn a lot of money by buying and reselling artifacts XXX
then everyone who reads it will do that, then the market will be flooded with artifact XXX and you earn nothing :P

just comparae the shop / facility price to the market


Defender shield
3120+184 gold = 3304 gold

3339 gold, -1% comission is 3306 gold = 2 gold profit :)

But then you also create a workspot in the defender shield facility (you bought a shield, facility has money, you can enroll.) That is the main reason people buy and sell artifacts
I'll stick to Roulette bro:)
closed by coolahed (2011-06-15 16:17:24)
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