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AuthorWhat are enchants?
whats enchanting your creatures ( mage only )
thats a mini artifact which gives you attack , defense, initative hp and speed the more faction skill ponts you will be have the more good enchant you will be able to do this work on only your soldiers
This ability allows Wizards to forge special equipment for their creatures. Mini-artifacts may only be equipped on troops and cannot be transferred or traded to another lord. There are certain peculiarities about mini-artifact creation and usage:
Any wizard stack can be equipped with mini-artifacts;
A single stack can only be equipped with one mini-artifact type;
Part types within one mini-artifact should differ;
Mini-artifact part types and their effect depend on the wizard faction skill level of the character;
Maximal count of parts in one mini-artifact depends on the combat level of the character;
Mini-artifacts have infinite durability;
Mini-artifact effects are hidden from other players and are only revealed in combat.

Mini-artifact effects are hidden from other players and are only revealed in combat.
Check this link and use google Translator or google chrome :


This board will show you how work mini arts with Faction level Wizard!
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