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AuthorNecromancer faction : Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
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So, i have a question about lvl 3 battle...

What i did wrong to lose this battle?


I should expose zombes to try lure him, but he din't come out orcs any time and put ghost like a isk ins't a good idea.

Because i did it on wrong move, (i was thinking that was a skell turn after gonna be ghost turn, so i did wrong move xD)

But whatever, whats matter is, if wolf hit first strike bye bye ghosts.

Fight with wolfs close to orcs gonna be awalys a lose, both are awesome melee and can assist each outher, also orcs range can get ghost miss or just rape him before he do anything.

Any tip? thanks.
i dnt see any faults except raising zombies in the end.1 raise of ghost could change the game result.

and i remember in level 3 barb and elf was strong.
He put orcs up my ghosts, thats why i din't raise ghosts.

Well, he give me no chance and i don't know what i can do to change battle result, thats the problem. xD
oh didnt see that.....

it is tough because u dnt have range units and also morale+zombies are so slow.if ur opponent get the chance to step on ghost u r dead.try to avoid that.nothing much to do.level 3 wont last long,dnt wry.
Well, he wasn't going stand up, and i was waiting to revive after he waste attack turn, but orcs get morale that time, and take my heros turn, and stand up...

The only thing i can do, is wait with hero to revive, but i wasn't counting with orcs morale xD my fail.

But that barbarian played very well, i admit that, also i tell it to him.
your fault was not to buy skele archers at 3 lvl with diamonds ;P
wait till lvl 5 and you will get your 1st range unit(diamond for lvl 3) and you may win with some luck(ring of doubt)
I want to ask a question :
I'm almost level 5 . What talents are good . What unit should i maximize?
Your mistake was to stay back with ghost at first turn IMO. You should have moved further, so that he couldn't hide wolves next to orcs, being out of range of ghosts.

In second move, you should have moved ghosts so that they could hit wolves AND orcs, in case of wolves running.

The rest was good; you surely don't use skellies as what level 3 players use to do.
ok a novice necro like me need some assist...:) wht talent is best for my current thief event..
4 slust
thats not app.he used maximum speed of ghost i think.

4 Failbot
basic erudition maybe?
max skelebow,max vamp>max ghost>zomb
Glust i used max movement (4 +1 verical), to make a mini wall, i did a mistake once time, because i confuse skell turn with ghost turn (i sweak i see skels turn, but that was ghost), thats simple, if wolfs hit first strike, he can kill all my stack of ghosts..

So put they without barricade, is awalys danger, 1 hit = bye bye

And why is a stupid idea chase wolf near orcs, because orcs don't have melee penlaty, gonna lose range penalty, and both can do 1 hit kill ghost or use each outher to take relation and attack together, also they are more faster.

But, i can't stay away too, so i have no much to do, and dude, don't gonna run with wolfs, it's only to avoid first strike, but he was scourting orcs, he don't gonna leave orcs alone...

U din't watch replay?

Failbot, max ghost, max vampires, and put rest on skels, basic ereduction talent.

Mohini, do you play with darkness build or with might build? maybe i can help u if you play with darkness.
hpsim, im surely with arts i can change battle results, but i don't gonna waste money on pvp battles, mainly on level 3 xD

Level 5 upgrades take some gold, and i don't wanna play without upgrade.

Well, i learn something new, if youre necro, avoid barbarian good players at low level xD
ok a novice necro like me need some assist...:) wht talent is best for my current thief event..

This event is a little hard for necro...

the best can be Barrier and Erudition

get as much magic resist as you can get:)
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