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Author"I am Back" button for combat
Implement an "I am Back" button for players that has timed out in battle and tower game.

Whenever a player times out (failes to do any action in the alotted time) then the player will forfeit all subsequent actions. Default action will be taken without any time delay.

When the player presses the "I am Back" button he/she resumes normal play.

Should be very cheap in developer time to implement and will remove a huge annoyance from the game.
when somebody is purely idiot and purpose afks to dead and after it presses button and waits 5 turns to die agian and presses button:p
i think he means it will automaticaly play for u if u let the timer run out then u can push the button to come back i think its good idea but then people will just do that every time so they dont have to battle like on the aniversary
Better yet, there should be a green light/red light next to each player that shows who is connected and who is not.
It would be useful for more than just I am back functionality.
good idea abut the light
and the button but with 1 more rule =
-1 button for every 5 combats
what if

make a thing like light next to every lord in combat
who have settle troops and pressed attack button then the light will glow
and who didnt light will not glow

in this way we can see whoz afk :P
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