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Authorelf faction : stats . talent . tactics, strategy

Which factions are weaker and which are stronger factions than elves?

( Level 7 )
How should i recruit my units for level 7?
imho, lvl 7 elf can beat all fractions except wizard and barbarian
Should i have rally? ( talent)
Level 7 talents should be fortune in most cases.
for Yuri_Gagarin:
i Disagree

On lvl13 what to do vs might dark elf? They have tactic and kill all my troops before I can do anything. I tried expert holy with miss rapid/stone/chastice/, I tried expert defence but dont work. Shrews kill me and lizard can reach me easily. Can anyone send me a battle link, how to win de.
Beating might DE is rather easy actually. Use tactic as well and create a shield infront on your shooters with trees. Simple as that...
Thanks. And what for wizard? With expert sorcery it killed me fast. Genies makes my shooters useless and my melee troops dead fast by lightning.
im asuming that you know that uni gives units next to 30% magic shield?
i am not lvl 13 but i beat wizards by charging with efks with uni next to it and use a few sprites to disperse genies spells, and use gmb to shoot garg b4 they can defend, also crit on garg is good idea since they have most hp :)
i know uni gives 30% res, but fireballs are strange. If I stay with efk near uni fireball did bigger damage. I remember on lvl10 I always win wiz, but now the situation is other.
rushers beat magicians, magicains beat defenders and defenders beat rushers, most of the time so i guess your only hope rides with rushing the wizzies b4 they can cast too many spells
battle fury is a nice talent, but i have found that fortune with rally works a lot better
im no expert at lvl 13 combat, but might i suggest 2vs2, 3vs3 talent setup: basic leadership+rally, expert fortune+resistance.. that way you are setup to face all factions with luck, and wizzies recieve spell reduction from resistance+uni shield and posibly damage reduction from armor
In PVP I never use battle fury. I use 2 moral + 3 luck + 20% magic res (vs wizard)

Normally in group battles I use: 2 luck + expert holy + mass spells. It works good, I can help my mates and me well.
I think rally is useless here.

Without rally: 40 gmb, 30 ancho, 15 uni, 7 tree
With rally___: 45 gmb, 30 ancho, 15 uni, 8 tree
it gives significant boost to efk numbers.. on lvl 10 without rally
51 efks, 26gmb, 11druids, 9 uni.
with rally, 61 efks, 29 gmb, 11druid, 9 uni.
10 efks is 120 more hp+an aditional 10% chance to burst for more action. look at my combat log, i have 5 victoies in a row against a lvl 10 knight, which i previously couldn't beat with out rally.
you may also want to check out my most recent 2vs2 battle against a tactic dark elf, luck+morale in elven faction is a deadly combanation
From my combat log: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=495396379&lt=-1

With this tactic I beat all races. Not always but often.
nice.. for a while i was holy elf, but magic was not my calling i only use magic when i need to stun somethin, then i use wasp swarm, i like might build much better :)
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