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AuthorTalents calculator Ofensive/Defensive
How it's increase?

I know each attack power or defense is +5%

But how talents works, it's multiplies the attack power x3?

It's increase the total damage done per each unit...

Or each level only increase like 2 attack power/defense?
e.g. basic offense - +10% melee damage. > increases the melee damage by 10%.
so, if recruits deal 100 damage (without talent) - they`ll deal 110 damage with basic offense.
defense reduces the damage done.
it is very simple.
So.. it's like 2 attack power?

I din't undertand because, at damage guide, it said each point of attack power is +5% but was something with *3 when it said about talent...

So i was curius if it's is a simple poor 2 attack power, or if it's give +10% at total damage ingnoring enemey armor, or multiplies by 3.

It's should be better than 2 attack power, basic ereduction can give more... than ofensive?! wtf!
ah ok) sorry, misunderstood
offense/defense talents give a bonus to the total damage dealt.
it is not equal to 2 attack/defense points.

e.g. you have 100 recruits.
the diapason of their damage is - 1-2.
so, either 100 or 200 damage. then you calculate the bonus from attack of these creatures (if their attack is bigger than the defense of the target, of course) and you have a total damage, say 210 (so, 2 attack = +10%).
and only afterwards you add those 10% offense. so - 210 * 1,1 = 231.

sometimes it`s better to take offense talent, if you fight creatures with big defense, for example.
but this talent also depends much on the attack points. so, less attack points > less total damage > less influence from the talent.

basic erudition isn`t that effective, imho. only when you can afford to set expert erudition - then it`s useful.
Thank you very much, now i can understand how it's works! :)

I mean erudition for high level.

Basic erudition at level 12+ gives 3 points, this can be +15 offensive, against basic offensive 10%, but now i understand how it's works! :)
Thanks again.
closed by Kimerales (2011-06-30 14:00:43)
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