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Author[Lease][Shop and Enchanted arts level 3-10]
Sword of Might E7A7W7: 550 gold (500 for LoS)
Mithril Staff E7: 400 gold

Steel Blade (lvl 10):40 gold
Reprisal Sword (lvl 3): 60 gold
Sword of Retribution (lvl 5): 120 gold
Sword of Might (lvl 7): 160 gold
Mithril Longsword (lvl 9): 310 gold

2x Ring of Inspiration (lvl 4): 125 gold per piece
2x Signet Ring of might (lvl 10): 260 gold per piece

Chain Helmet (lvl 5): 60 gold
Steel Helmet (lvl 7): 110 gold

Hauberk (lvl 5): 90 gold
Steel Cuirass (lvl 7): 110 gold
Platemail (lvl 10): 220 gold

Galoshes of Battle (lvl 5): 60 gold
Steel Boots (lvl 7): 110 gold

Defender Shield (lvl 4): 45 gold
Dragon Shield (lvl 7): 180 gold
Tower Shield (lvl 10): 240 gold

Longbow (lvl 6): 180 gold
Cape of winds (lvl 6): 100 gold

Medal of Bravery (lvl 2): 40 gold
Amulet of Luck (lvl 3): 60 gold
Pendant of Despair (lvl 7): 150 gold
Warrior Pendant (lvl 10): 250 gold
Thanks to both of you :)
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