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Author40th ST lvl 6
for Nav_lfc:
6) 8 Sirens, 18 Infected Zombies, 1 Thunderbird, 25 Rebels
or 19 Infected Zombies...
6) 8 Sirens, 19 Infected Zombies, 1 Thunderbird, 25 Rebels
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Knight] 9621
Any one got any advice on those plain wolves ?
Got like 35knights and 43 recruits on that level and still I lose everything..

Knight 5964
Who tenth wave has passed? there very easily!!!
you barbarian xD we not barbarians :D
Highest score: [Barbarian] 11928
for aeiou1988:
What were the last few waves?
11) 79 goblin all sides
12)8 shrews up and down, 9 renegade magicians left and right
17563 barbarian
for 4ygka
please can u post other waves
And people were complaining barbs were underpowered...
orcs forever in st..
dark elves where a you? I hope to get prize places
for Scream:
Yeah I know bloodlust = pwnage
13) 8 Ogre magi, 8 Ogre magi, 8 Ogre magi, 8 Ogre magi
14) 8 Hydras, 38 Ghosts, 6 Anglerfish, 30 Wolfhounds
15) 37 Sharpshooters, 156 Skeletons, 115 Recruits, 23 Modern golems
16) 12 Ogre, -, 1 Angels, 25 Giant lizards

23755 bar

Remains only 9 Ogre... Good luck for all.
ST with ghosts and somore apparations is sucks
for Make_my_Day:
Not quite, especially with DE, and because they come at an early stage...
apparations easy lol :D
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