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AuthorI ask for CL 16
But Arctic has, according to vidlak666, said that 80 in lvl 15 was the number.

Whether Arctic said it or not, it should never be how many level 15s there are, but rather how many virtual lvl 16s there are.

Imagine there are 100 x lvl 15s, and 2 virtual lvl 16s, and they are different time zones. What are that 2 lvl 16s gonna do?

It is not viable or even make sense to introduced lvl 16 based on how many lvl 15s there are.
41 +

up to 80 players at level 16 not at 15
up to 80 players at level 16 not at 15

The idea with a CL is that people are approximately equally strong or at least have the same options.

If you wait to 80 players is 16 then you will have a even more unfair lvl15 than now. People who is just lvl up is already far behind, imagine how far behind they would be then, competing with people who is a pseudo lvl 17.

A solution could be that people who reach the lvl 16 cap. Could not gather any more guild, faction and experience points. But I really doubt it that people want that

And the game would survive a few numbers lvl 16 to start with. TG, MG, HG group battles will still be viable choices.
a dozen CL16 seems on the low side... it will kill their CG for sure. but i guess if CL16 would bring new crits all CL15s would be jumping off their seats... but those who wanted the upgraded Tier 6 got it with diamonds already.

i bet CL17 will be implemented without so much fuss when time is due... diamond T7 upgrade, yummy :)
hmm .. I see that some CL 16 .. has got exps for CL 17, then the exps for CL 17 should be changed .. :) then they are at CL 15 Have to pass CL 16 first to be CL 17 .. :)
i wonder what you all want!
why lvl 11 and so on ask for lvl 16?
no need yet,CG lvl 15 play just few mixed players of lvl 15 and virtual 16,so i m also against that
mixed CG lvls isnt good idea
i say first 100 lvl 15s and then 60 lvl 16 !
as you guys should very well know major updates comes on october and lvl 16 is in these uprages if there is enough players
major problem is that admins cannot simply allow diff level players play together instead this stupid counting of peoples
major problem is admins
main problem that is the game look like swamp: any fresh water or blood (like you want)
Any new players cos here is boring and "2 news" during year:
Admins haven't time for evolution on Com becouse here only "few" players, new players don't go here because admins doing "nothing" and IT'S A VICIOUS CIRKLE

in that moment i am here only for ST, if ST will be ended i will go out from game
I want to level up to 15 just so I can get in CG fights, if they add level 16 then I'd not only have to get to level 15 to take part, but also complete the entire level also, with only aspects of the game left that have virtually *hit the limit* for what I can do
I want to level up to 15 just so I can get in CG fights

Last time I did check, there are CG fights at level 14, level 13, level 12, level 11, level 10 and level 9.
most exciting cg's is in 15lv no doubt about it :)
Combat level does not matter it is all relative. We have our guild levels and our faction levels. Those are what matter strength from combat levels is an illusion as it is balanced as we level. However strength from guilds and faction can level up no matter what combat level you are! So let combat levels come when they come it doesn't matter either way.
Last time I did check, there are CG fights at level 14, level 13, level 12, level 11, level 10 and level 9.

Never when I've been on and checked!

All CG fights I have seen are pre-arranged.
I think they shud become 16 now good way to unlock new fascinating creatures i wud like new upgrades in battle.

vidlak I also know you wanna go up to those lvl16 creatures.

+a crore

Imagine there are 100 x lvl 15s, and 2 virtual lvl 16s, and they are different time zones. What are that 2 lvl 16s gonna do?

well then make 50 and soon they will have more and you can make 15-16 groupbattles
well then make 50 and soon they will have more and you can make 15-16 groupbattles

noone makes group battles anymore, it's almost exclusively commanders guild, and make 50? That means waiting until there are more people with enough exp to go level 16
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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