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Author[Lease][Lvl 3-9 shop artifacts]
Mithril longsword--300
Sword of might--- 160
Sword of retribution-93
Reprisal sword-48

Steel cuirass-95
Leather harness-61

Dragon shield- 175
Defender shield-39

Head gear-
Light mithril coif-101
Steel helmet- 73
Chain helmet-57

Foot gear-
Light mithril boots-170
Steel boots- 108
Galoshes of battle-41

Pendant of despair-141
Amulet of luck-55
Medal of bravery-30

2x Ring of inspiration- 117 per piece

Cape of winds-73
Cape of spirits-74
Scout's cape- 23

Lvl 9 set

Mithril longsword--295
Steel cuirass - 93
Dragon shield- 174
Light mithril coif-100
Light mithril boots-169
Pendant of despair-140
2x Ring of inspiration- 107 per piece
Longbow-169 / Cape of winds-72

Lvl8 set
Sword of might--- 157
Steel cuirass - 95
Dragon shield- 174
Steel helmet- 72
Light mithril boots-169
Pendant of despair-140
2x Ring of inspiration- 115 per piece
Longbow-169 / Cape of winds-72

Lvl 7 set
Sword of might--- 157
Steel cuirass-90
Dragon shield- 174
Steel helmet- 72
Steel boots- 107
Pendant of despair-140
2x Ring of inspiration- 115 per piece
Longbow-169 / Cape of winds-72

Lvl 5 & 6 set
Sword of retribution-91
Chain helmet-57
Defender shield-38
Amulet of luck-54 OR Medal of bravery-29
Galoshes of battle-40
2x Ring of inspiration- 115 per piece
Scout's cape- 21 OR Cape of spirits-73

Lvl 4 set
Reprisal sword-47
Defender shield-38
Amulet of luck-54 OR Medal of bravery-30
Scout's cape- 22
Leather harness- 60
2x Ring of inspiration- 115 per piece

Minimum AP set
Reprisal sword-47
Defender shield-38
Medal of bravery-30
Scout's cape- 22

Prices shown in set art are only applicable when you rent the whole set.You can interchange any artifacts in the two sets like a lvl9 taking sword of might instead of mithril sword but all 9 ARTIFACTS SHOULD BE RENTED EXCEPT FOR MIN AP SET AND FOR LVL4 SET 7 ARTIFACTS SHOULD BE RENTED.

If I don't respond to your messages when I am shown as online, kindly pardon me.I might have taken a small break and might return within 20-30 minutes.

Note-Prices may change.
thanks ninja
special offer for minor tournament-
I can rent arts at lower prices and more time when renting >7 arts for more than 2 battles. And arts will be resent for 1 gold if some are unused if battles are greater than 4. Good luck!
lol nice id
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