2. Thread headers in this branch must fit the following standard:
[Service Type][Efficiency][Price]
[Service type] - compulsory parameter. [Repair], [Weaponsmith], [Armorer] or [Jewelcrafter] only. It is forbidden to use synonymic words or to alter transaction type terms. One thread may only represent one type of service.
[Efficiency] - compulsory parameter. For repairing, efficiency is listed in percent value. For enchanting, the efficiency must be listed in "Enchanters' Guild branches" experience table digits, e.g. EG3 Armorer 10 characters should list [4x11]. (https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10). It is allowed to use enchantment codes instead of experience table digits if the artisan only plans to set certain selected types of enchantments. (https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=39). In case if the artisan only renders services of unlocking the 5th enchantment using Fern flowers, he or she may type [Unlock 5th mod] instead of efficiency. In this case, indicating any service type is not necessary due to not being essential.
[Price] – optional parameter.
It is strictly forbidden to mark the thread with special characters, punctuation signs (except "[", "]", "/", "-" to list intervals), spaces and full caps. Details of intended transaction must be listed in the thread, not in the header. Listing any other features than directed by the standard is forbidden.
Examples of correct thread headers:
[Repair][80%][100% repair cost]
[Jewelcrafter][4x10][Elements only]
[Weaponsmith][E5][Paying back 1k for each element]
[Armorer][3x7][10% of all elements on me]
[Unlock 5th mod] |