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AuthorCaravan mana/spellpower
caravans have way to much mana and spell power.

at lvl 8+ wizards are the only ones with high mana and spell power.

even then, very few players actualy have 80+ mana

MOST magic use players lvl 8+ have 40-60 mana

it is completely ridiculous how much mana and spell power caravans have.

as for spell power.... that is set way to high too.

1 blast of magic and 3-5 liches die and my liches have 52 hp. so im being hit for 156-260 damage. i am currently lvl 8 and there is not a single players lvl 8 that can hit that hard with magic. you prob need lvl 12 at least to come even close to that much damage.

now i understand that the game is not meant to be easy. but wen the npc "hero" can wipe me out by its self, that is ridiculous.

so the point is, both mana and spell power need to be reduced on caravans.

caravans are what they are.
when you loose they get weaker
when you win they get stronger.
if they are too strong for you this is probably because your win/loose rate is too good now so normal you have to loose now befoe (re)starting to win

Don't worry, at low level caravans of wizards (and maybe DE too) are really very strong - there is even one type of wizard caravan which have already defeated me 9 times in a row but last battle was really very close and next time I can probably win...
You need troops with better initiative to defeat such caravans at our low levels (I think that at least at lvl 6 and 7 is demon the best one for it...).

Hands off from TG!!!!
:), o and btw at lvl 10 heroes can hit 156-260 easily, at lvl 10 a d elf with like 20 spell power and elemental call can hit like 300 (not sure about that)
but at least really high :)
Your idea only has merit if difficulty were fixed and AI were smarter. Yes, I know AI are pretty smart now with all the updates, but they are still flawed.

IMO, the ridiculous part, is about recruit count. I understand many caravans to have very high recruit count, but wiz caravans with 100 / 150 modern golems are ridiculously strong (other kind of golems are still a pain, but at least, you can take advantage of AI with retal). Not to mention that now, they are chasted by lore... Or DE caravans of witches; I often end up with several stacks with 0 defense; ie instant death after the hit of a single bandit, roughly =)

Wait for level up, you'll feel much better against magic heroes when you will have appas. From then, they will be much better than zombs, and you could drain against lore or witches. You can easily revive 10 appas in one hit :)

IMO, magic heroes have insane amount of mana to make sure that some wiz jut don't recruit max garg and golems, and win by caravan running short of mana, roughly no matter how big the caravan is. That's just an asumption though.
umm yeah with 21 sp and advanced chaos i can hit 330 so that would be 660 for a DE
oops sorry with E/C it would be 330 + 165 = 495
too much parameters
too much troops
too much initiative

who cares
just lose enough and eventually you will ALWAYS win a certain %
since they get x% weaker if you lose and y% stronger if you win
Oh wait a minute now, I was just about encourage you with the fact that you already have TG 1 at level 8 when I saw your LG and got a little curious.

Am I hugely mistaken or did you buy your TGI for 15k gold? :O

08-18-09 00:03 Received item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] from Dan-Panic
08-18-09 00:01 Transferred 15000 Gold to Dan-Panic : thief guild invite
DE caravans is worse than wizard
Higher dmg and those troops... lizard,shrew,dragon... its insane
there is even a full arted version of DE caravan...crazy
for Skuwak:
no you aren't mistaken
-1I manage to get wins against them just lose a little amount of caravans then you will get easier ones
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