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even if the swordsmen have morale,they will be far apart,plus,their speed is only 4 and the shrews speed is far more(8)
if shrews run into corner and sword moves so he can barely reach and gets morale the shrew is done for
the shrews wont be that dumb to run to a corner;)
they will be forced to run into corner

Anyway for 4 titans vs 4 dragons BLACK

black dragons

for 100 wolves vs HOB GOBS
gobs will win for sure
sorry for 2 posts

But for orcs vs tamed minoutaurs one I wud say orcs because by the time minos strike they will be 6-7 left when they actually strike they will deal 45 damage approx.
this will make orcs 17 and there retal will make minos5-6 and when orcs strike again it will make minos 4-5
and minos in next 4-5 hits will be dead with 6-10 orcs remaining
Now 100 behemoths or 10000 black wolves splited into 5 stacks
Leader or 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sprites ;)
with the question of the demons and angels it depends who is controlling them ... if its the AI the angels will fly over and the demons will meet and hit them...otherwise if hero controlled it would definetly be the angels
come on guys
100Efk completely buffed with maxenchants and holy magic ,surrounded by 10000goblins with retal taken by 1 efk outside. 100Efk then attack with luck and critical dmg on all gobs. who would win?
100 shrews vs 300 elite forest keepers
100 shrews vs 300 elite forest keepers

Definatly Shrews.

1 Angel or 1 Devil? (Both 1 hp) >:)
the one which attacks first XD

1 grandmaster bowmen or 1 shrew
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