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AuthorCustom Tournament - clans needed
got a clan with active members ?
wanna have some fun GB's and earn your clan some status ?

well, then sign up here for your clan to take part in the biggest clan tournament around, (probably forever :P)

upon signing up you will have the responsibility of sending your clan information via. mail

but will also got a mail if the tournament is played again.

1.sign your clan up
2.arrange a GB with another clan
3.post the battle link when finished
4.play more for more points
why not make it a cg gb tourney? More participation from the MCs I'm sure :)
As I'm concerned, I don't play standart GBs; only CGs.
I don't play standart GBs; only CGs
3# and 4# maybe read topic next time. Nobody cares if you dont play gb's in that you arent related for topic in any manner and should get lost or make your own topic about talking cg. you replyes are baciasly offtopic and should be penaltised maybe with 1 year forum ban each:) all people dont wanna spend 1000golds just to get pvp match ;) i want gb's just wait a moment:x
As I'm concerned, I don't play standart GBs; only CGs.

Same here. merlin36, make it so that all combats are CG combats, and I'm in, (any kind of)
Same here. merlin36, make it so that all combats are CG combats, and I'm in, (any kind of)

Maybe both? Im level 8 and I would like to join but I can't play CG
Im level 8 and I would like to join but I can't play CG
well i'm level 10 and i can't play CG so .....
if you can make sure thats it a clan vs clan CG battle so

level9+ Cg
level8 and below normal GB
Do you plan to organise this or is it just an idea?
if anyone wants to fight the

Forrest Griffins

in 2 vs 2 lvl 11 min ap

send a pm to Brunft or me, we're online around 18-22 servertime

c u on battlefield! :D
What a bunch of spam. I play only cg etc... Who cares what you play or anybody else. Let clans who are willing to participate, love group battles create something and try to bring good old times when gbs were played clan vs clan. No matter who will organize it, no matter will there be cg, full arted gb, *283 lords clan battle... Think that big clans can talk about rules on skype. Or maybe not. Server is dead anyway...
I would gladly fight as A&D member in CG fight at lvl 11. 1x1, 2x2, or 3v3... I can easily find teammates... Would there be someone to fight!
I would fight for my clans but I dunno why you guys dont want gb but Cg. All people cant get CG so its needed that we do GB and also if its clan vs. clan then there should be the clans posting. If you want to put your views then put it in another thread.

I request that all further posts to be only made by people belonging to certain clans (leaders or stuff) who would like to participate

Current clans as I see

Dawn of The Phoenix (merlin36)
lords(Danzi(or is it somethin else??))
for rohanarora:
The Witcher's
I am in
closed by Brilliant (2012-01-02 06:29:27)
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