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AuthorThrow Something at the Next Person
i throw my ultimate intensely concentrated smell of my shoes like a bomb, so strong that the air around you turns yellow and trees drop leaves. muahaha sufferrr

mate ur watchin alot of cartoons ...aint u? :P

Still acc to da game - oh! man that stinks horribly....!

I'm passin loads of love 2 the next person...)
ty bro! :D

throwing a bunch of tavern cards :)
:O Dont need it thanks :)

Throwing a flaming molotov at the next person with 100 Trillion U.S Dollars in it.
:( the money burnt with it!!
Throwing a harddude at the next person
Throwing A girl at the next person...I hope the next person like it
Superb! Thx!

I throw an axe at the next one!
yay thank you, the girl actually is super cute ;)
Throwing a bomb at the next person... watch out !
Arrgghh, I thought you meant (blonde) bombshell

throwing an ipad3 at the next person

Throws a MG quest of 500000000000 Skeletons.
I decline the quest!!!
Throwing a a lvl 15 lordswm account at the next person

i'm throwing my account to next person as i gained a lvl15 just now XD
caught it oops tooo heavy

i throw cat on th next guy and mind you i have shaved the cats fur off and gifen an extraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+5000kg dose of catnip
i throw cat on th next guy and mind you i have shaved the cats fur off and gifen an extraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+5000kg dose of catnip

I did not understand so dodged it,
throw a ball at the next person
I caught it

beware I throw a atom bomb to next person
used lead shield :P

i'm gonna throw my girlfrnd on the next person :P
She hot? Nvm i can see for myself :- SHES NOT HOT OMFG
Dude what girls do u hang wif man??

Throws 500k & 500k ZOMBIES hunt at the next person
Easily beat them with my bare hand.

Throw my ipod touch to the next person.
Throws 500k & 500k ZOMBIES hunt at the next person
i guess u missed the word infected :P

anyway i hit pass by :)

i throw a water balloon filled with conc. acid at the next person
Am like WTF....
Ouch and OUCH.

Throws an Amulet of Luck to next person (1/25) USE IT WISELY! :D
*Catches amulet*

Woot! Thanks!

Throws a dollar at the next person (Buy yourself a candy! XD)
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