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Author#331 Clan of Heroes
A Very very Progressive Clan with 300 Heroes

All Services Available in the Clan

Brillant 90% Cost 110%
cooldudexxx 80% Cost 70% ONLY !!

Weapon Enchanter - cooldudexxx
Only Elements Needed
Armor Enchanting- Brillant
100 % Cost Cost 80 %

cooldudexxx : For All Hunter& Warrior Artifacts ( Level 5- 12)
Brilliant: For All Types of Magical Artifacts ( Level 9- 15)

Th3k Clan avatar Maker. Contact him for offers

1. Any member willing to join must pay 1500 gold to you.
2.When you ask for someone to join our clan and he accepts he must first pay the gold and after that you recruit him, not the opposite way, otherwise you take the risk to waste 500 gold (invitation's cost) of your own balance.
3.Any hero must be of level 5 or more in order to join our clan.
4. If you recruit a player of level 10 + or higher you can keep 500 gold instead of 300 and send the rest 1000 to the Treasurer.
6. NEVER evict, withdraw invitation or change the description of any ordinary member of the clan without the Clan Director
7. Never invite heroes that have been Band by Administration for more than 3 Times.

* Breaking any of these Rules, will Charge- 1000 Gold.

1.Never change the main profile of the clan wihtout the Clan Director permission.
2.If you wish to advertise a personal offer of buying or selling any item let any chronicler know it and he/she will post the info at the clan's page.
3. Chronicler are not Allowed to Post Abusive Letters on the Clan Main Page.

1.No foul language.
2. Never go AFK in Combats, Unless Problems like Power cut, bad Weather.
3. Be active, 12 months maximum offline period allowed.

Trophy Hall:
Master hunter amulet
Goblin`s bludgeon
Assailant`s poleax
Beastbane shield
Master hunter ring of flight

All Trophy's has been Gifted By our mikey0413.

Friendly Clans's
#167 Elite Heroes of India
#594 dragon's slayers
#701 Goldmill
#660 The Imperial Army of Light and Darkness
#385 Blazing warriors

Advantages of Joining the Clan
There are Many Advantages:
Like Becoming More Popular in the Game
Gain Money by Participation in Clan Tournaments
Knowing Other Lords of the Game.
Clan Smith and Enchanting Smith at a very Low price.
Clan Artifacts Rent's in a Low price.

The Fee is 2500 Gold, 300 Heroes in the Clan, Contact me for Joining.
cooldudexxx 80% Cost 70% ONLY !!

dude, you can repair only 10% :P
closed by Queen_Amanda (2012-01-03 22:29:13)
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