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Clan achievement in the tavern tournament

AuthorClan achievement in the tavern tournament
Be fast ! :)

Add the Clan achievement like the one we had while the rebel event in the current on-going tavern tournament... :)

Will be very entertaining... :0
i dont think this is similar with rebel event.

this tournament is single player achievement. like that other combat tournament.
the card game tournaments have nothing to do with military clans..
Those card tournaments are here to stay forever. But if they will be every few hours / every day / every few days / every week is still unknown (to me)
Those card tournaments are here to stay forever.

Do you think so ?
well, at least on .ru they were introduced like a year ago and then never removed.
So I can only assume it is the same here
well, at least on .ru they were introduced like a year ago and then never removed.

What interval does they hold them on .Ru
every 30 minutes i think (but maybe during "night time" not that often)
but it is always filled within seconds. Because this server is less populated it might be several times a day instead of every 30 minutes
closed by -_NO--NAME_- (2011-10-29 16:21:37)
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