Author | firewall damage reduced not only in st but also in mg? |
I just noticed that the bonus of firewall was canceled in ST, as announced in the recent update. However, the damage also decreased in MG quest.Why the damage in formal mg or hunt also decreased? |
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help". |
It was an announcment on .ru. May be, admins decided to copy it here without warning. |
Could you provide the link to MG quest battle? | |
No more easy raid quests for wizards? |
I mean, high-level wizards. |
now the damage bonus of firewall is only 3 in MG, rather than 4.5 for me. |
just realized bonus of firewall in hunt is also lowered :( |
verry sad that nature magic was cut. Nature magic wizard will be just a history like might wizard. Elfs rule this world :) |
wizard again weakened.. |
i cant beleive it they want to weaken wizard once again
why don't they block all the faction and stop using it? |
Probably they want more wizard to play other faction as wizard is too 'powerful'... |
the faction now are unbalanced and there's no more future for wizard faction
very stupid update and game |
Wizard's bonus against neutrals SHOULD be weakened. It is currently ridiculously high. Wizards pretty much own the hunting records. Why should they be the only faction with two racial abilities instead of one? |
damadge redused was confirmed by Maxim(adm) on ru -
PS: Wizard's bonus against neutrals SHOULD be weakened. It is currently ridiculously high. Can't understand people who complains about other faction in PvE battles and Survival Tournament ( and this was written by elf about hunt :)))) |
Can't understand people who complains about other faction in PvE battles and Survival Tournament
I agree. I am fine with "overpowered" PVE for other factions as long as it does not affect PVP. PVE is totally unbalanced, and it will not be balanced ever.
I think it's the admins who doesn't like firewall - it makes wizards' battles so much easier than they assumed. |
admins who doesn't like firewall
There was a bug with the damage, bug fixes now - strengthening works with the coefficients of 2 / 3 (1.5 times less), instead of 1. |
the faction now are unbalanced and there's no more future for wizard faction by cutting it off on mg it prevents from just sitting and watching wawes to go in fire and die, ofc if you think wiz faction died due to this i totally understand raids are after all huge part of game^^ |
for naapa92:
wiz needs to use firewall in many hunts too, that surely is a "huge" part of the game. there're also conspirator mg too. |