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Change the Survival tournament back.

AuthorChange the Survival tournament back.
Topic says it all, I prefer the lame old survival tournament that requires more skill than this new tournament... which is practically stupid and requires sheer luck... if people want their fsp/exp/gold/title they should at least take the time and work for it
-1 old was bullshit time waste and made me almost kill myself after spendin 10hours for my 7 tryes:)
[Player banned by moderator Empire until 2012-05-09 06:32:25 // Cursing in forums, multiple relapses]
understand how the new tournament works, then complain

How is it based on luck? the placement of an orb... pffft.....
New one is awesome, no need to change back
- 1 Lame post. Please close it. Just because the new tournament requires different strategy than it used to does not mean it is sheer luck to win it. Rather than whine about it spend your time adapting and creating new tactics for the new tournament. I love the new tournament. It is something new and different. I especially love the increased FSP. I feel like I can play in the tournament now with out hurting my faction skill.
The only thing that is random is the placement of orbs.. but for skilled player that doesnt matter anyway, you work your strategy around that fast enough(and imo shows the skill aswell), its not like you have to pick up the orbs on that turn when they pop up :)
- 100500
the new one is plain and simple Awesome compared to the old one.
The new one is way better than the old one. It's more fun and challenging with the orbs. Besides that you need more strategy to determine which unit should take the orbs..

-(1/0) { I mean minus infinity }.
Hmm I do not agree .. the tourney is good for FSP .. :) we got a lot with low exps .. :) so -1
Yep old tourney sucked in comparison.

+1 i hate the new one. but unfortunatelly it won't be changed back

Old tourney took far to long and needed no more skill than current, and much better in my opinion, one.
Yeah whatever, really, in my opinion, i rather have a beta testing instead of an instant change in something thats actually keeping me and many others active on this server... at least we can get a good idea about the new additions

but anyways have fun in this fu*ked up game
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-11-11 07:38:13 // Masked profanity/Warning]
closed by Woundy (2011-11-11 04:56:23)
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